5/1/08 GenWex Reel Politics
Image by Wexner Center
(Title) The statements of the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov on any ‘withdrawal’ from Bulgaria Burgas – Alexandroupolis dominate the media in neighboring countries, while there is extensive criticism of the leader the opposition and his predecessor Mr. Borisov, Sergey Stanishev.
“The Borisov stop energy projects,” “The pipeline stopped Boyko, the Traitso” deny “,” The pipeline to Greece blocked because of the risk of leakage “is indicative headlines Bulgaria.
At the same time, under the heading, “What we are really in the pipeline” in the newspaper of Sofia Trudeau, the scholiografos Plamen Entsef argues that ” Prime Minister Boiko Borisov is absolutely right “, and Bulgaria will have no financial interest in the pipeline, which carries risks for the environment in the Black Sea and threatens” the tourist industry in Bulgaria.
However tough the criticism of the statements Borissov, former Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev in the days which signed a trilateral agreement to build the pipeline. Mr. Stanishev speaks of “insane personal decision, which the Prime Minister continues his political sowing chaos in Bulgaria “. The leader of the left opposition prthypourgo asked to withdraw, as otherwise the consequences will be substantial, with significant price rises of energy and power, which Bulgaria will be forced to buy from neighbors and the risk of serious deterioration of relations between Sofia and Moscow.
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5/1/08 GenWex Reel Politics
Image by Wexner Center
5/1/08 GenWex Reel Politics
Image by Wexner Center