Gradually he began to unwrap the ball of the terrible case involving the outbreak of late June. At the heart of the investigations, the fire department and the port department reportedly failed to deal with the situation properly. The investigation of the Internal Affairs Directorate began to yield “fruits” and show the responsibilities of the Greek authorities to manage the situation after fire in one of Hydra’s unique green spots. As Alpha revealed, internal affairs found three errors in managing the situation. The fire marshal in his statement stated that he personally went to get a statement from the passengers of the “Persephon I” chamber, but it turned out to be a lie. The commander said he took a total deposit from 10 people while at the time in the cabin they were only in 8. The two missing had departed the day before for Athens. When asked why the passenger list was writing about 8 passengers while he testified he was 10, he replied that the captain told him the number. The second point that allalulum seems to the Greek authorities is that although both the fire department and the port body rushed to the point to extinguish the fire, neither of them approached the chamber to investigate their possible involvement. The third point that causes many questions is that the prosecutor was informed of the situation two days after the autopsy was done after his observations. The tycoons from Kazakhstan had already left the country on a private flight. For the case both the chief fire marshal and his assistant had been removed from the address for dealing with arson crimes as they were charged with abuse of power and omission of duty. In early August that caused the fire in Hydra.
Fire in Hydra: The fire marshal never got a statement from the cabin passengers.
in Greece