Fire Department crises: Deputy General George Markoulakis

They began in 2025, while it is noted that on Wednesday (15.12025) they were announced and . Chief of the Fire Corps remains Lieutenant General Theodore Vayas. According to a statement from the Fire Corps after the meeting of the Supreme Council of Crisis, Lieutenant Chief of the Fire Corps was appointed Lieutenant General George Markoulakis, while Christos Platas and Theodoros Kosmidis were appointed to the rank of Chief Fire Inspector. CORVERSE At the same time, Lieutenant General Nikolaos Roumeliotis, Panayiotis Niafas and Evangelos Falaras were placed in retirement. Following the meeting of the Supreme Council of Crisis, Lieutenant General Theodore Vaya as follows: DIVERSION – George Markoulakis, as Deputy Chief of the Corps as well as the rank of Chief Inspector General of the Fire Corps: -Christos Platas – Theodoros Kosmidis They were put into self-responsible retirement, as “eligibly terminated their careers”, during regular crises, year 2025, the following counter-strategics, as follows: -Nikolaos Roumeliotis -Panagiotis Niafas -Evangelos Falaras The following major generals shall be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General Fire Corps, outside of organic positions, because they were deemed to be “easily ending their careers” during regular crises, year 2025 as follows: Kalliopi Saini Demosthenes Ragavas Konstantinos Theophilopoulos Dimitrios Georganas George Tsikalas Athanasios Hatzopoulos Also, the following chief rulers, are promoted to the rank of Major Fire Corps, out of organic positions, because they were judged as “easily ending their careers” during regular crises, year 2025 as follows: Kalliopi Velara Nikolaos Balsis George Alicakos Ioannis Sterigoulas Christos Kalogeorgopoulos Nikolaos Mitsiogiannis Christos Simikakis Georgios Vlontzos Nikolaos Balatsukas Ioannis Dalivigas The following chief captains of General Cases are promoted to the rank of Major Fire Corps, chosen to fill empty organic positions as follows: Simos Apostolou Vasilios Soldatos Panayiotis Kyprianou Ioannis Loukakis Panayiotis Bathrellos Konstantinos Psarros Dimitrios Sarafis Anastasios Pappas The crises will continue with the fire brigade crisis.