Feat – Caught Φοροφυγά In A Village In The Municipality Of Dodoni With 10 Residents…..

The man kept a coffee-shop in village… of Municipality of Dodoni with 10 residents and two weeks ago he saw to park outside the store 3 cars with six people. She was pleased the shopkeeper because he thought that they were customers during that time in the coffee shop there was only one customer.
Customers, however, was a mixed team and they asked for the proof of the moonshine that he was drinking his only client, and because proof had not been cut they put fine.No one is saying that we should not cut proof,but when all the big stores, evade taxes and most of them magically know when it’ll become a control, the shopkeeper with a customer throws out the revenue of the state.
A big thumbs up to the economic mechanisms that gave a big blow to tax evasion.Source