FDA warns consumers of dangerous food supplement

An announcement was made by the National Medicines Agency ( ) to consumers about a dangerous substance found in and calls on them not to supply it and not to consume it. This food supplement contains certain substances at concentrations far above the maximum permitted limit. As published by the EOF, consumers are invited not to supply the Levure de riz rouge bio Bioptimal supplement, which is traded in Europe and possibly in Greece via electronic commerce. However, the Belgian authorities have informed that it contains red rice monocolines at a concentration exceeding the maximum permitted daily consumption. Its limits are laid down in Regulation (EC) 1925/2006. The FDA calls on consumers not to supply this supplement. In the event that it comes into their possession, it recommends that they not use it. The Communication from the Agency: ‘The FVO announces that according to the information of the Belgian authorities and through the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF), it is traded in Europe and possibly in Greece via electronic commerce, the Levure de riz route bio Bioptimal food supplement containing rice monocolines at a concentration exceeding the maximum permitted daily consumption provided for in Regulation (EC) 1925/2006. This product may be promoted to Greece online. Following all the above, the FVO calls on consumers not to supply and use the product concerned and if the product comes into their possession, not to use it and inform the FVO immediately. We point out that the purchase of FVO competence products from unreliable sources, such as the Internet, can endanger consumer health.” Rice monocolines are a complex of substances produced when yeast rice is fermented. In case of over-consumption there is a risk of serious adverse reactions to the musculoskeletal system and liver, says the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).