The ban on trafficking a gynecological self test announced . It is a vaginal ph. Specifically, the FDA states that it has decided: “The ban on movement and disposal in vitro diagnostic test One Step Rapid test (vaginal pH test), by the manufacturer SAFECARE BIOTECH (HANGZHIU) CO LTD, as it was found to be placed on the Greek market, without documenting the assessment of its compliance as a self-diagnosing product in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2017/746 of the European Parliament and of the Council”. CORVERSE And he continues: ‘This Decision shall be adopted in the context of the protection of public health. The company ELENI DOUGIA-mother2be, as importer/distributor of the product, must immediately cease to be placed on the Greek market and inform all its customers accordingly so that the product is no longer available on the market. The relevant supporting documents must be kept for at least five years and put into account by the IF, if requested.’;
FDA prohibits trafficking in gynecological self test
in Greece