Far-right bullies terrorize 10-year-old child and ask him to shout “hello, Kasidaris”

An infuriating video saw the light of publicity, where a child only 10 years old fell victim to fierce intimidation from . In the video published by the Editors’ Journal, the child seems to be trembling curled in a corner and above him yelling at him far right at a point in Komotini. CORVERSE The child, who appears to belong to a minority, holds his head with his hands trying to protect himself from the angry far right. One of them shouts at him to say “Ask the Kasidaris” and one is seen making a move to kick it. The child chants the phrase they asked for and then the bullies of the 10-year-old are heard laughing and ordering him to leave. CORVERSE A child of 10 years old curled up in a corner, he is bullied by far-rights in Komotini, who are yelling at him to say “Long live Kasidaris”. The video released by @efsyn_newspaper Disgusting. — Xrisa Lykou (@FiXrisa) The video, according to the report, was published about two months ago as a story on Instagram from the profile “Nationalists Komotinis”, while when it was taken is unknown. The ASE offices in the area closed in 2019 after 7 years of operation, but the far right remain in the area.