Famelou brake but independents are coming, PASOK ice and Kasselakis for Sakellaropoulos, the Bartholomew quads, the parties have begun! The turmoil in banks, the end of the German miracle, decade commissions will be claimed from Booking by hoteliers, Greece and Bulgaria in energy

Brake but… Strategy of persuasion attempts to apply the new president of Syriza Socrates Famelos to MPs who flirt with the Kasselakis party or stare at other parties. First target the brake on any independents. Second goal is to rally to the new beginning of Syriza. The main argument is that they came to the polls 70,000 members of which 16,000 were young, which gives a hope of expectation. So let’s think about the disappointed they’re already gone. His plans are to convene the instruments first. The Political Secretariat, Parliamentary Group and Central Committee. A date of persuasion! Staff of Koumoundourou, told newsIT that Mr. Famellus’s intentions are to hold meetings with MPs who are looking towards the outcome, such as Giannis Sarakiotis, George Gabrielos, Mrs. Sarakiotis on Sunday was in Gorgopotamos with Stefanos Kasselakis, did not agree to deposit a wreath on Syriza’s behalf and did not vote for the party’s leader. He’s leaving! Yesterday rumours were released that he is having second thoughts and that he might be delayed in making decisions after the Syriza election. But valid sources with which newsIT spoke insist that it will not change its attitude. And if Famellus calls him a meeting, he won’t come. It’s a matter of 24 hours of independence. It does not mean that he will immediately join Stefanos Kasselakis’ party, but will not stay with Syriza. He’s coming. Information from the same sources states that Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis, who returns from Canada tomorrow Wednesday appears to have made his decisions and will be independent. Possibly with Sarakiotis. Time will show everything. The hardest bet, however, for the new president of SYRIZA is to achieve a modus vivendi with the party’s number two strong man Paul Polakis, who proved that he is not a minority in the party of the left, but expresses an important piece, whose position he will claim in the new SYRIZA. From Sunday evening he made it clear that they are not majority, he sells, but expresses half of Syriza. Hard crossword Since many wanted to delete Polakis, the crossword puzzle of introversion needs very strong solvers. Sources of Koumoundourou until last night did not know that any person-a-tet Famelou-Polakis had been scheduled. It will be seen whether the new president’s approach with his opponent will be on the priorities or leave it for later. The first twenty-four hours will be devoted to informing him about the party. “Good luck” wish Kasselakis partners to Famelos for Polakis. With 1000 signatures! On Wednesday, it appears, the President of the Republic Movement Stefanos Kasselakis will come to the Supreme Court to testify to the Declaration and the name of the party. The Declaration bears 1000 signatures. Its priority is to proceed with the formation of a party with charter and government programme that will co-decide with the members. In a referendum he will also put the logos of the name in the next few days. Not in Sakellaropoulou Pregnant sources of PASOK have denied in NEWSIT the latest scenarios that Nikos Androulakis may have proposed to Kyriakos Mitsotakis the re-election of Katerina Sakellaropoulos in order to be voted by PASOK. There is no such intention as we are assured top sources. Stefanos Kasselakis in his interview at Sia Kosonis in Skye also rejected a Sakellaropoulos nomination yesterday. The nomination of the current President of the Republic should therefore be excluded from any planning. Tasulas the dominant? The move of former Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis to close the scripts of the Presidency of the Republic that concern his person, limits the names of candidates to a minimum. “I am honored by thinking especially when it comes from a former Prime Minister,” said Kostas Karamalis referring to Antonis’ proposal Samara, I suggest he be nominated for president of the Republic. ‘ But I want to make it clear that this is neither my concern nor my interest,” he made it clear. Top source with which the newsIT spoke showed a person as a dominant, current Speaker of the House Costas Tasoula. Crown Prince Chiaras? In fact, the name heard to succeed him in the leading parliamentary office of the Speaker of the House is Costas Chiara. Nikos Dendias has repeated in all tons that he does not care about the Presidency of the Republic as he did not accept the proposal of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis for the presidency of the Parliament after the national elections of 2023. Tet a tetto of Bartholomew In private meetings at the hotel Great Britain where the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew who is in Athens these days resides. Former Minister Dora Bakoyannis was his chosen guest. Information is that they discussed his visit in January to the Council of Europe and the Church of Crete, which belongs to the Patriarchate, entered the table. Bartholomew invited for a personal discussion and the MP and secretary of international relations of the ND Taso Hatzivassiliou accompanying the Prime Minister on most of his travels abroad. In Turkish The Romans of Constantinople, Imbros and Tendus were found in the epicenter. The interesting thing is that the two who have known each other when needed speak to each other in Turkish. Tasos Hadjivassiliou speaks fluently like English and French. The Ecumenical Patriarch is accompanied on his trip to Athens by the Metropolitan of Laodicea Theodoritos and 51-year-old Archbishop of Australia Makarios who is now considered a person of his absolute trust. Many cheers For the 12th birthday of the well-known restaurant by the glass there was a party with the presence of the friends of the owner Fotini Pantzia who is of the LGBTKI community. Among them were Dora Bakoyannis, Sophia Zachraki, Stavros Theodorakis and many others. He erased the candles by having the two children he has adopted. After his victory, Socrates Famellus with his company was found in the shop sung by his brother and well-known singer Manolis Famellus. Stefanos Kasselakis was also found in Silver with Tyler Macbeth’s husband. That’s how hard it takes to release it. The turmoil in banks of great noise occurred yesterday morning at the banking offices after having released information according to which the Maximos Mansion prepares a hit on banks that do not convert higher profits to lower interest rates or other attractive products, but continue the tactics of heavy voluntary expenses and promise even thicker dividends to shareholders. Some rushed to translate the forthcoming “beat” of Maximos Megaron into an extraordinary contribution on the large profits of the banks and on the basis of which recent holdings sales by the Financial Stability Fund took place. Government circles replied that there is no such issue. In Spain a few days ago the House approved an extraordinary contribution to bank profits as support for the natural disasters that hit the country. In Italy, the government has announced that it will receive, through an emergency contribution, approximately 3.5 billion euros from banks and insurance companies in order to strengthen the health system and vulnerable citizens. The Georgia Meloni government appears, in fact, determined to move on to this step despite the reactions it encounters. In the past some analysts had argued that 3.5 billion euros from banks would come from taxing stock options for administrations as well as changes in the known deferred tax. Details have not been announced until today. A few days ago Finance Minister J. Giorgetti had said that a subscription of banks “should not be considered as stupid”! Meloni had announced last year that she would make an extraordinary contribution of 40% to the profits of the banks, but in the end she retreated as she realized that there would be an extremely negative reaction from the markets. ‘Caput: The end of the German miracle’ Wolfgang Münchau’s new book entitled “Kaput: The end of the German miracle’ must be read by those interested in understanding why Germany is sinking and with it the whole European Union. Minhau, for 17 years a Financial Times columnist and now head of Eurointelligence, has been a catapult against repeated German leaderships, including those who have moved the finger for years in Greece, but at the same time made disastrous decisions about the future of Germany. The author believes that since the 1980s the German politicians and businessmen have made the wrong decisions in terms of technology and geopolitics. They did not invest in the new Internet technologies but settled with China’s heavy industry and confidence which is now moving towards rehabilitation from Germany with painful consequences for the car industry and other sectors. China has been for decades complementary to Germany, Minhau is now competitive. The same leaderships that, even today, insist on heavy industry and China, supported the growth of the German economy in cheap Russian gas. Now that they do not have it, again because of geopolitical reversals that refused to be managed, Germany’s industry is faltering. B. Minhau says that by B. Brad, the Social Democrat Chancellor of the 1970s, a commission had pressured Germany to invest in new telecommunications technologies (such as fibre optic networks) and IT. The next chancellors preferred the convenience of traditional industry, sales in China and cheap Russian gas. Now it’s late, Minhau writes. The question is what luck Europe has with Germany kneeling. The tough battle of hoteliers with Booking A Dutch court decision is considered by Greek hoteliers as a golden opportunity to claim significant compensation from Booking, in even a decade’s time. The hoteliers have many years against the international online reservation platform not only for the high supplies it holds. At the heart of the controversy are the restrictions that Booking places on its partners who cannot provide rooms at a cheaper price than they give through the platform. These and other practices of the international group seem to have been targeted by hoteliers from across Europe and there was a first ray of light from the court decision in the Netherlands. The decision is just the first step, say the hoteliers who must now proceed to new appeals. Let’s see. The four (plus one) large PPPs that will judge the balance In four rather than five major PPPs, the management of TAIPED was reported a few days ago that failed to put on the list the competition for the huge Public and Private Sector Partnership (SIT) for the relocation of the Korydallos prisons to Aspropyrgos. This is a complex, extremely costly and generally difficult task. But the other four big PPPs that will judge the balance on the market are not easy to say. The first is the redevelopment of the area of the Thessaloniki International Exhibition (ITH), a competition to be opened in early 2025. The second is the government park “Andreas Ledakis” in the former premises of PYRL on the outskirts of Hymetos. The third is the logistics park designed in the property of the ODM in Tribe to accommodate the transporters currently operating in a semi-fiction regime in Eleonas. And the fourth is the haunted plan to create a freight centre in the former Gonu camp in Thessaloniki. Do you think they’ll thrive? Some will go ahead predict the column. Greece “brings” energy and Bulgaria Neighboring Bulgaria is faced with energy shortages this winter, which inevitably increases prices for Greek consumers as well. In recent days the Bulgarian Energy and Mining Forum (BEMF) has warned about deficiencies of 600-1,600 MW in the coming months, which should be covered by imports. Already in recent weeks Greece has become purely export to electricity. It is, in fact, indicative that several days it exports up to one third of its total production. Naturally, demand from abroad raises domestic prices at a time when the government is trying to find ways to keep them at tolerated levels. Greece insists L&R’s Livingston brothers Richard and Ian Livingston who control the British real estate company London & Regional (L&R) have collected large pickles from Greece. Who forgets that they had claimed the Greek and their departure was accompanied by heavy characterizations? The British billionaires made their hearts stone and a few years later they bought Titania on University Street and Rhodes Bay Hotel & Spa in Rhodes. But along the way they decided to leave our country again, gently this time, and transferred the two hotels to the group of Hatzilazarou. Now we learn that it is in discussions about the purchase of new major tourist complexes in Greece. Looks like they’re pulling it! To remember, London + Regional has been promoting Panama Pacifico, the largest property development in Latin America since 2007. It is the construction of an entire city with 20,000 dwellings, business offices, etc., in Panama.