Extremely easy method: Clear your Sinuses in 30 seconds!

This is an extremely easy and effective method that helps you clear your sinuses and get rid of the accumulated mucus, without using any kind of medicinal product.
All of us, sometimes we wake up with a stuffy nose in the morning, especially during the period of allergies. That’s why we known this interesting method to keep the nasal passages your free and to get rid of a congestion of the sinuses.
However, this is not a method that can cure the cause, but it can help in critical situations.
It would be great if you could include in your diet spicy foods and condiments, because it is effective against clogged sinuses and other nasal cavities.
In addition, you can put on your forehead sea salt, preheated to 40 degrees and wrapped in a handkerchief.
See below how you can clean your sinuses:
The first step – place your tongue on the palate and press it well, make a motion like you want to turn your tongue in your throat, but because of the pressure that remains on the palate.
The second step – put your thumb on the point between your eyebrows.
The third step – press the point between the eyebrows with your finger. The pressure should be strong enough, and at the same time to make the move previously described with the language, all for a period of 30 seconds.
The nose should start to drip immediately with a result to get rid of the accumulated mucus. During this exercise, the bones around the sides of the nasal cavity move slightly and so release the nasal passages.

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