EXTRAORDI – Nikos Τόσκας: there is No indication of other “terror-packages”

The “terror-packages” that were sent to both the German Finance ministry and the offices of the IMF in Paris…
they had a small quantity of gunpowder, which is used in fireworks and easter firecrackers, said Friday morning (17/03/2017) the minister of Citizen Protection, Nikos Τόσκας.
“I’m in no rush to make a conclusion now that the experts have made their own,” he said, referring to the “terror-package” that exploded in the offices of the IMF in Paris, mr. Τόσκας, speaking on SKAI.
He added that there is no evidence that they left and other such packages to other destinations, if and at the same time, sources from the anti-Terrorism indicate that there is anxiety about whether the terrorists have been sent and other “terror-packages” with unknown recipients.
“There is no indication that they have gone other such parcels”, he said and added that “the two cases are linked, this is obviously from the same source, which has not become final assumption of responsibility”.
“Are the tails of the well-known organization of Core, residues, I would say, that they want to show that there are still,” continued mr. Τόσκας.
More in a bit…