The murder of one of his children and son-in-law devastated Greece. Live News reveals the 66-year-old’s new move. Father falls dead and suspicion falls to his own children and to his son-in-law, a case that crossed the narrow local boundaries of Evia. DIVERSITY Initially, they try to blame each other, unfolding the horror scene. Now the brothers change them again and they’ll say they weren’t even there while the old man was dying. “I was downstairs with my sister and sleeping in the living room. Suddenly my son-in-law came and woke us up and told us he killed him. He was cold. At that time we too feared for our lives,” said the 22-year-old son. ADVERSE “He forced us to participate in the cover-up of the crime he committed alone,” said the daughter. As for the money and this story “gets in” and changes! They said the money was taken from their father with his consent, that he gave them the card to pick up from the bank, but new testimonies say the groom was asking the card from the victim. “My brother-in-law had a plan. He told us that if they don’t believe my father tried to attack me earlier and they understand us, we’ll say we all killed him together. We wanted to tell the truth from the beginning, but we were afraid. Indeed, what I said about sexual harassment as a child is true,” said the son. “My husband was beating me up a lot,” the daughter said. In fact, the money found looks very little in front of the old man’s fortune and so again they wonder where the money the old man had went. And all this while the main player, the groom, has never asked to speak again after his first apology, but there is no way he will now. “I entered the room and saw the 22-year-old trying to kill his father with a pillow. The truth is I didn’t try to stop him,” he said. What the two brothers said in their first apology The three of them, in their first apology, attempted to share responsibility with each other, admitting, however, some involvement in the case. “My brother-in-law I trusted as my brother. Like my best friend. But he realized that he could easily influence me. The revelation from me about the rape by my father sparked the idea in my brother-in-law’s mind,” said the son. “Since we returned to Greece my husband often said that he knows the way we will get rid of our father and that we must end with him,” the daughter said. In fact, it had also caused the use of holy water to the unfortunate elderly who the daughter had tried to justify. “We followed my brother-in-law’s instructions. After the crime showed us the steps we need to take to prevent the authorities from understanding what had actually happened,” the son said. “The reason I sanctified our father after the heinous act, was because I deeply believe that his behavior was not a normal man, but one who has been possessed by something bad,” the daughter said. “We took off his clothes and with the pillow we burned them in the fireplace, so that we could make an ideal story to tell the police. Then all three of us carried the body to the staircase leading to the basement and placed it face down to make it look like it had fallen. My wife took three knives from the kitchen. The two she placed under her father’s mattress, as well as a magazine with homosexual content and the third put it next to the body, to make it look like with it her father threatened her brother,” the elder’s son-in-law had stated. In fact, as the defendant groom said, the 66 – year – old had woken up, but was lying down. Then his son put a pillow on his face and kept it under pressure. At first his father tried to defend himself, take it out to breathe and curse us. Then he changed his attitude and shouted: “You’re doing well. This is the only way to leave.” At one point and while the son continued to press the pillow on the face, the 66 – year – old stopped reacting and thus realized that he had died. Dimitris Gavelas, a lawyer for the victim’s son-in-law, spoke to Live News, where he said about his principal: “He was present in the incident, did not take human life by hand”.
Evia: Reversals in the 66-year-old’s paticide case in Kymi
in Greece