Over 55 years old is 40% of Europe’s 12 countries according to a report by the European Statistical Authority (‘) for 2022 published on Wednesday (15/01/2025) and makes the ageing of medical potential a major phenomenon across Europe. According to Eurostat, Germany records the highest rate of doctors aged 55-64 (36.1%), Bulgaria (33.9%) and Latvia (27.4%) following. This percentage is 26.8%, or 14,870 doctors. Accordingly, Italy has the highest rate of doctors over 65 years (26.7%), with Hungary (22.4%) and Estonia (22.3%) following. In Greece, doctors in this age group make up 12.9% (7,165 people). In total, 39.7% of Greek doctors are over 55 years old, which translates into 22,035 professionals. CORVERSE On the contrary, Malta notes the highest proportion of younger doctors (46.1%), while in Romania and the Netherlands the corresponding rate is 34.6% and 29.7%. The data suggest that the ageing of medical personnel in Greece is an ever-increasing phenomenon, with the changes that the health ministry is promoting to help maintain elderly doctors in the health system. General doctors: In the last place Greece According to the same data, the Netherlands is in the first place as regards the proportion of active general practitioners, with 183.4 per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Ireland (174.1), Austria (146,1) and Cyprus (137,7). Portugal also notes the highest proportion of general practitioners, with 304,3 per 100,000 inhabitants, however, this number concerns doctors who are licensed and not active general doctors, making the result not directly comparable. On the contrary, the lowest proportion was recorded in Greece (doctors licensed to practise), with 45.8 per 100,000 inhabitants. Bulgaria (59.8) followed, Sweden (62.2, figures of 2021) and Slovenia (68.8), with Hungary following very closely (68.9). The new provision for extending the work of elderly doctors Attempting to contain medical personnel from the wave of mass flight from the NSY, the Health Ministry regulated the extension of the right to remain in active action, for retired doctors. Thus, doctors of specific disciplines completing their 67th year of age may continue to work until the end of 2027, as long as their position is not announced. Specificities concerning the measure include, inter alia: Anesthesiology Chest Surgery Pathology Pneumonology Endocrinology Radiology Psychiatric Also, the measure covers doctors of Intensive Therapy Units (M.E.TH.) and those working in General Hospitals or Health Centers of island areas. For pensioners who had extended their right to work by the end of 2025, this right may be extended by the end of 2026. The stay of retired doctors shall require a request to be made to the president or commander of their health structures. Consequences of the aging of the medical population The ageing of the medical potential is directly linked to the mass flight of young doctors abroad. Difficult working conditions and low wages in the E.S.Y. discourage the new generation from staying in the country. Thus, elderly doctors remain a critical pillar of the health system, especially in specialties and areas where deficiencies are more pronounced. The future shows that this phenomenon will intensify unless substantial measures are taken to renew medical personnel and support young health professionals.
Eurostat: Over 40% of doctors in Europe are over 55 – What applies to Greece
in Greece