‘ I will agree that you think this is a disgrace and I will also put shame on it,” said her mistake that she did not go unnoticed. An incredible blunder took place in the central ERT bulletin, since it was reported that a Greek national final will take place on January 20th rather than on the 30th which is the right one. Eteocles Paul and the rest of the Breakfast@star team severely criticized the broadcaster. CORVERSE “It’s a blunder, but putting it with the others like Mimi Denisi and the braces that didn’t come out with editing and the KKE badge, if you put it together, it’s a lot.” Helen Hajidou said. “I’m starting to get pissed off because it’s public television. Somewhere, we all pay for it. They can’t make Eurovision one-night stands. “ Mary Argyriadou, with Lili Pyraki, said that she was a disgrace and that all of this was controlled by many responsible people before it went on the air. “I will agree that you think this is a disgrace and I will put shame on it. I’m ashamed to see it and I was ashamed of them and as a viewers I hear something 15 days before the national final and we all discuss it every day, we have meetings and there’s a report on the national final of Eurovision and you hear the official body telling you the wrong date. As lenient as you are, it is not simple” Eteocles Paul said.
Eteocles Paul for the ERT blunder: I’m ashamed of them.
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