DAT politics
Image by lap0la
(Title) Extremely odd identified the existence of an active mortar projectile through a forest path the president of the SPAF and Mayor Byron Chardalias Nick, who asked to investigate the matter directly by the Ministry of Civil Protection.
«Call it here years that are virtually brought Imittos vineyard, anyone can empty trucks, rubble, rubbish and therefore insist on designated National Park, to be nurtured and remove all crowded activities from the mountain, “said the SKAI Mr. Chardalias.
He added that the 15 mayors, members of the SPAF-clamoring to be the first time the Imittos so anochyrotos.
The Chairman noted that the SPAF has not been cleaned or a acres of dry grass and rubbish and there has been no forest road maintenance and that the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment and the forestry Penteli, who took full responsibility this year to make the actual work.
Outdated Politics
Image by Ipso Photo
Geneva, the UN and Iran: the politics of racism. Where is Russias economy going? And just how important are the elections in India. Additionally, what I really think about NATO and Saakashvili. Plus much more! Video Rating: 4 / 5
Voter Protection Info on Jack & Jill Politics (300px)
Image by baratunde
Straight forward For vs Against round from Series 1 Episode 1 of Argumental. Marcus Brigstocke argues for the motion that politics is a waste of time, while Dara O’Briain argues against. Argumental is shown on Dave and now also BBC2