She described the procedures for adopting the child and then reached today. The actress loves her son and supports every step of the way. He already speaks Greek and shows special interest in his school. As she said in the show “Hamzela and Again!” her son, is very tender and wants hugs. Elizabeth Mutafy first spoke of the adoption of her child, which gave her other meaning: “Last year when we were filming, my lawyer sent me a picture of my child. I couldn’t cry because I was on a shoot. When I saw him I said “it’s him”. I came down on Easter when I had a vacuum, I took Africa for 4 days, it was prepared for me by the people there.” ADVERSE “He just saw me came into my arms. It was “automatic” love between us. It was hard to leave, but I’d come back. Eugenia Dimitropoulou helped me greatly in this piece and in the process. It was not easy to leave, I saw him for two days, but he was my child,” says Elizabeth Mutafi. “My child speaks English, I had difficulty at first and I wanted him to learn to speak Greek. And at his school teachers speak Greek. He also has an English teacher. We missed English, but we insisted he speak Greek. Now we no longer have English, only Greek. She has made tremendous progress,” the actress said. “These children are autonomous, strong, to protect themselves. I want to feel my son chose me, he’s very tender and he wants hugs. He’s a cheerful kid.” Elizabeth Mutafi stars in the performance “Lav” at the Little Palace Theatre. “We are Monday and Tuesday with George Pyrpasopoulos and Elias Valasis. They’re two great actors and we have an excellent relationship. We’re a match. It’s a comedy about love and relationships. There are many twists. It’s a surreal comedy,” he said about the performance.
Elizabeth Mutafi: “It was automatic love between us” says about the child he adopted from Africa
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