‘ An artist necessarily flirts with his audience. It was not easy for Anastasia to accept it but I think he has a lot of trust in me” said Elias Bretos spoke to Mega’s camera Good morning. The well-known singer referred to his relationship with God, his desire to create a family and business as host of the show “The Greatest Bazaar”. “No, I just believe in miracles, I’ve experienced the miracle when I got out of that wrecked car. I’m here before you because I’m a living miracle. That is what I believe,” states Elias Bretos. “I have nothing over my family. I wish God would claim us to raise the family more, bring us a child. It’s something we want and we wish it a lot,” the singer then says. “Nothing is given, it requires constant effort from both sides. Relationships go through circles, there are good times and bad times. The point is to be one. Me and Anastasia decide as a unit. I wouldn’t have anyone flirting with my wife in front of me. I wouldn’t tolerate it and react very badly. I think it’s a huge insolence. An artist necessarily flirts with his audience. It was not easy for Anastasia to accept it but I think she has a lot of trust in me. This is her key”, replies Elias Bretos to a relevant question. “I loved the work of the presenter. I did so with great pleasure and enjoyed it, because I did not enter into the toxicity of this work,” concludes Elias Bretos, leaving open the possibility of returning to television set.
Elias Brittos: I wouldn’t tolerate someone flirting with my wife in front of me
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