Or she flashed from yesterday to today and talked about a series of chapters of her life. She mentioned her children and the relationship she has with them, at the time she became known throughout the country through gymnastics and the comments of some about her age. “I am stifled by injustice,” he says at some point visibly annoyed by faces and situations he has experienced. Solar racism is something she has felt herself. Eleni Petroulaki was found invited to the show “EQ” found and spoke among others about her show in Action 24 and the competition she has experienced in her work to date. “It’s a well-being show, a television health and well-being journey. It’s a way of life I’ve adopted for many years. Wellness is the pleasure of life. I don’t mean to say I’m a presenter just having a nice chat with each guest.” CORVERSE “I want to approach the issue of well-being with everything about nutrition, gymnastics. I think there is no consistency, we do it for a certain period of time. We forget to take care of ourselves! We have confused the concept of well living, wellbeing, exercise in the sense of devoid, forced work, we go to extremes,” says Eleni Petroulakis. “Many times I want to break stereotypes because we don’t deserve women. Age racism, the criticism people make. The role of the woman is different, they judge her strictly. The woman has multiple roles. I’m a chef, driver, mom, psychologist, worker, wife. We do everything! I have felt age racism especially from social media and TikTok”. “The comments and messages are not well-meaning. Kindness is no spare, but no one has worn my shoes to know my route. We only judge, we do not know how to improve as people.” CORVERSE “Personally on the professional track I have suffered great competition that was not legitimate. Often unfair competition. In general, I don’t care and leave, I never fight. I’ve been drowning for years. Is there meritocracy in Greece? There isn’t. I’ve been hurt to succeed in my work, it wasn’t easy.” “Love gives life. But love is not the woman to the man or the couple. I fall in love with everything, my job, a new project, a new friend, a trip, a nice place. It’s all love. I’m in love with life. When someone hurts me, I forgive and leave, I don’t care. I forget very easily, and I don’t pay attention,” Helen Petroulakis says elsewhere. “I have accepted the fact that children are not our property, we must help them to spread their own wings. To have swallowed my own feelings for me is a victory. I didn’t think about myself, the anxiety, the fears about a leaving child, let alone going to another continent. I thought how good it is for her. Slowly softens this feeling and becomes accustomed. It’s usually the distance, the stress that makes me feel about what he’s doing. I had an app on my cell phone, and I deleted it so I wouldn’t see it at all times, because it gets obsessed… In my case my dad didn’t want me to leave Crete, my mom was the one who supported me in this,” Helen Petroulakis said at another point how she felt when her older daughter left America for studies. “I spent a period in my life that I really wanted to have children, so I started yoga and then I developed it, I started it to have peace of mind… Some time in my life I went through a type of autoimmune with muscle pains of a neurological nature and built the program of therapeutic exercise… I’m not saying good-bye yet. I will tell me bravo when my daughters arrive at a point where I will be proud of them and see them excel where everyone wants, who will find someone happy…”
Eleni Petroulakis for age racism: Nobody has worn my shoes to know my route.
in Lifestyle