and had starred in a film, the filming of which was marked by an accident, during a particular scene. The two actors caught nervous laughter, as Helen Filini remembered, who described a part of what had happened at the time. Eleni Filini participated in the game show “The squares of the stars” and revealed that, shooting a love scene with Paul Evangelopoulos, she broke the bed. As he said: “We remake a film, it used to be Fokion Negro’s “Remali” and we did “Blofa” with Paul Evangelopoulos. We have a love scene, she’s got me hugged and she’s gonna throw me to bed. As he embraces me, under romance and passion, he leaves me in bed and the bed dissolves. I’ll never forget it, thank God I didn’t knock. We got nervous laughing and we couldn’t make the scene.” It was the “gold” time of the videotape. The years when many actors took part in the films being made, with the final product ending in the video clubs that existed in most neighborhoods of the country.
Eleni Filini for an accident in a love scene with Paul Evangelopoulos: “I will never forget it”
in Lifestyle