Only 35 days are left to end the deadline that taxpayers have to cover the required concentration limit for 2024 before they begin to fall. And that is because, as the law stipulates, on 31 December the deadline for making the necessary number of digital purchases equal to 30% of the annual income of 2024, which will avert the fine of 22% on the difference in electronic evidence that they have not covered. What taxpayers have to do is to enter their accounts into the banks’ e-banking and identify the limit of the evidence they have covered, and although they are lacking, to rush to make up for the shortage to save the ‘chamber’. According to the Income Tax Code of any taxpayer who is employed, retired, professionally farmer or self-employed, or who has income from real estate rents must have incurred by the end of this year expenditure on purchases of goods and services totaling 30% of his annual individual real income. However, in order to measure the ‘building’ of the electronic market threshold, these costs should be incurred by credit or debit cards or other electronic means of payment (prepaid cards, e-banking payments, etc.) and the relevant retail transaction receipts should be issued for them. As noted, the ceiling on the amount of expenditure to be paid by the end of this year by electronic means of payment is EUR 20,000. However, those taxpayers who have incurred within 2024 expenditure on payments of income tax on natural persons and on loans and rents, which exceed 60% of annual real income, must cover not 30% but 20% of annual income with expenditure on purchases of goods and services paid by electronic means of payment. However, in order to apply this reduced rate, it is a requirement that expenditure on taxes, loans and rents be paid by electronic means of payment.
Electronic evidence: Countdown for tax fines of 22% – Whom it concerns