Electrical current: In the consistent enterprises with correct counters, the subsidy to the accounts

On criteria such as the consistency of payment to suppliers and the operation of correct cash will be made the accounts to businesses, according to what the Secretary-General for Energy and Minerals of the Ministry of Energy and the Environment, Aristotle Aivaliotis said. Speaking of monitoring and intervention (ed. through subsidy) in energy market developments, he stressed: “The government is determined. It monitors current prices on a daily basis and I would say on an hourly basis. We have a resurgence of current price concerns throughout Europe. The reason is that the natural gas, which is the base gas for many of the power plants, has risen significantly, has risen to the levels it was a year ago and this gives us the concerns that this could also be passed to the retail price. The government is determined to intervene so that consumers do not feel the pressure of the time and we will do everything we can to achieve this.” “Be careful of these under conditions that we have a relative regularity. If we had a situation like that in 20222, we would talk with very different caution and with greater subsidy that we are in greater or less proportion to our available. Because in 2022 we had to tax profit and now we have, but it is not of the order of 2022”, he completed. Coordination with Europe On the issue of common pace with Europe, he said: “Here is a European framework which allows us conditionally to recover excesses when wholesale prices exceed a level. However, the rules set by the Commission are almost very difficult to catch. He tells you, six months you have to have over 180 euros of wholesale, which is not our case now, not even in summer. We call for greater flexibility in being able to intervene in the profits of electricity producers when these go to unreasonable levels, So there we are. We’ve explained it to the Commission. The Commission tells us that until the finalization of the overall method of intervention that will be allowed to occur in the countries which see that they are becoming energy islands, in fact until then make tax-type measures and not revenue recovery mechanisms. This was at least the advice given to us on Friday when we held the meeting and also gave us some references. Instead of putting revenue recovery that is regulatory, taxing, i.e. saying that you win X money, I’m putting you through a tax and I’m subsidising households and businesses. We are in search of a formula whereby we can obtain revenue to make subsidies, but subsidies to be sure and hear the public that we will do them in any case, How we marry them with income is internal and can follow as a matter. If we see that the retail prices proposed by suppliers, for the green invoice always, are excessive, we will correct.” Energy exports from Greece Mr. Aivaliotis went on to say: “Great consumption in our country is in the summer, and that is why we have tourism, that is, the population of the country is artificially growing, and secondly we have the heat that air condition is working. In winter subsidies we give for heating, either heat. We’re trying to give consumers an incentive to go into power heating. Anyway, we have the heating. Consumption is not equivalent to northern countries which in winter have a high consumption. In this regard, demand is not expected to trigger, at least in our own market, large consumption. You should know that the country is currently playing a very important role in flexibility for all of Southeast Europe. We extract a third of the energy we produce. The country makes major exports today.” The invoices answering a question about whether the green invoice will continue, he said: “There will be the green invoice. They’ll suggest the providers, blue, blue, it’s something that concerns you. How its use can be expanded. Because in blue, those who at least had blue this year are the winners of the game. They have nothing to worry about. Thus, motivation through providers and the state for blue will be continuous. We’ll go to stables. We’ll stop talking about the current prices. If you have a steady current, what do you care if it does wholesale up or down? Criteria for business subsidy As Mr Aivaliotis pointed out: “Look, it’s a big problem of current prices. Apart from the impact it has on the consumer’s pocket, the home of each of us, it is also the impact it has on the competitiveness of businesses. There are companies that are trying to compete with foreign companies and which are affected when electricity prices are not equivalent to those paid by their competitor. Therefore, for export companies, the price of energy for both import and other companies again is a big problem. The question is what possibilities we have to make serious subsidies. That’s what we’re working on now. There’s a team working and we see what we can do for businesses and what businesses. Look, we have to have a few conditions. In principle, they must be companies that pay their electricity. Operations we should test if their counters are correct. I repeat why the demands of both businesses and people all of us are always greater than the resources available. This week it will be judged all that along with households there will be a targeted business subsidy together. Unfortunately the state can never solve all the problems of people and businesses, it does what it can.”