Seismologist Akis Celentis mentions the consecutive events that have occurred in the last 24 hours in . As he points out in his Facebook post due to the earthquakes the inhabitants of Santorini and the neighbouring islands should be particularly careful both with the old buildings and with the event that the fault gives a stronger earthquake and tsunami. CORVERSE The post of Akis Celentis “Good morning to you The phenomenon continues more intensely and we probably have an approachary sequence. The state must take more measures and not publicly say that it sent tents (i.e. for EMAC to stay), dogs, special rescue specialists etc. In no country does this become obvious because people are terrified. CORVERSE They “lift” this serious issue very much (do they want to cover something else that recently caused the pulsal rage?) let us not throw ash in the eyes of the world. On the other hand, there are official findings that at most 5-5.5 Richter will not affect the island! At night we only had 4.9. This does not apply if one considers the dimensions and history of the fractures. We’re talking about human lives, not hotel interests. I decided from yesterday not to follow the Maidanization Goat (despite the infinite calls I had from the media and thank them for the honor they do to me) but I don’t want to see anyone incompetent expressing personal views about one minute of publicity. There are responsible bodies that should be invited with their representatives. For this reason: 1. As long as the houses are statistically problematic either due to construction or status ratio (e.g. on unstable ramps) let residents avoid them. 2. This also applies to neighbouring islands. 3. Rightly the Municipality has designated places of refuge for which residents must learn. 4. As I reported attention to the coasts in the case of tsunami. And here to place signs with instructions on where people will resort in case of tsunami. What they should do in this case I mentioned in previous posts. 5. To implement the known measures to reduce seismic risk. 6. Block areas around and under the unstable ramps. Of course, everything announced by the experienced seismic and volcanic risk committee composed of internationally renowned scientists. About whether the action has anything to do with the volcano, I have to say. When the magma rises and increases trends in the blasted areas, do some local faults occur that after the domino effect trigger others? You read yesterday’s views of foreign seismologists. But volcanoes are active, and if some sleepers want them… I wish to be disproved.”
Earthquakes in Santorini: “We probably have an approach sequence, attention to the coast for tsunami,” says Akis Celentis
in Greece