Earthquakes in Santorini: “We left our homes and left,” says mother of three children who left the island

‘ We left our homes and left,” she tells the mother of three minor children who were forced together with her husband and their parents to leave her because they were living under the threat of an older man and that was something they couldn’t stand. What was the occasion to gather their things and leave Santorini, was the last and strongest earthquake so far that during the mother herself caused fear to her children but also as this last earthquake was different from the others. ADVERSE “We got the whole family up and left, because he kept shaking and now this last one was curious. We have one child who is eight years old, the other is eleven and the youngest three months old and old parents we had to convince them to part with the island but it was no other way,” says the mother of the three children living in Santorini. As described in, children were frightened by all this treaty that prevailed daily in the house. “The older children are in panic and it was the main reason we decided to leave. The kids were coming under the tables we were trying to be calm so they wouldn’t have panic images of us, this was our fight.” CORVERSE Even those who have not even left the island, think very seriously about doing so in the next few days, says Santorini’s resident who, along with her family, traveled on Monday night (03.02.2025) by boat to Piraeus and points out that the price of the ticket was the normal, what she always paid, less than 60 euros. “The world is leaving, everyone wants to leave. The ship had many families with children. We traveled at night and the ship was full, as far as the ticket we paid for was the normal one we always paid there was no gross profit. We will stay and be accommodated here in relatives’ homes and come back only when things are quiet and the vibrations stop.” It is not only the young children who are frightened by the earthquakes on their island but there are also people older among them who have experienced this nightmare before in 1956 and are currently forced to leave their homes for exactly the same reason. “What we want is for all this to stop because it’s psychoractic for everyone and because all of this awakens memories to the elderly who had lived very badly then in Santorini, in the 1956 earthquake and those memories hurt them because some lost both their home and their own people.”