‘ The support of the hospital of the island is imperative,” the WTODINA points out so that it can cope in case of need, as the earthquakes in Santorini continue. The WTODINA calls for immediate support of the hospital with doctors and other staff, in fear of a major hit by Engelados, while the earthquakes in Santorini continue at a very frequent rate. CORVERSE With seismic activity continuing in the marine space between Amorgos and Santorini, it is clear that there is great concern among the inhabitants. The doctors and nurses who are already at the hospital in Santorini are ready, while at the same time many permanent residents leave the island fearing the earthquake. The public services of the island, which will in the event of an earthquake, will be invited to assist the residents, are reinforced by the movement of staff. Prevention measures shall be taken. Schools closed, gatherings are prohibited, in parts of the island visitors are prohibited, while men of EMAK have gone to the island. CORVERSE The same is true of the WHO, which today is without any pathologist, no cardiologist, no microbiologist, no pediatrician, and there are deficiencies in all other medical, nursing, and other staff specialities. This means that in the inevitable event that there will be injured by an earthquake, the hospital will find it difficult to cope. “The hospital of Santorini should be strengthened with doctors and other staff sufficiently in all specialities in order to be able to cope in the event of an emergency,” the WTODINE stresses, asking, if there is a plan in progress, that it be made public so that colleagues and residents know. Please note that later Sunday (02.02.2025) is an extraordinary meeting under Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, at Maximos Palace on the recent seismic activity in Santorini and the wider area of Cyclades. The meeting, according to information, will include, among other things, the Minister of Civil Protection, Vassilis Kikilias, the leader of GTHA, General Dimitrios Houpis, as well as the OASP’s class with professors Euthymios Lekka and Kostas Papazaho. Already a group of 25 persons of EMAK have arrived on the island, who have set up tents outside the ADOPOS, next to the hospital, while they have trained dogs and life jackets. The schools in Santorini, Anafi, Ios and Amorgos will remain closed tomorrow, while citizens are invited to avoid meetings within buildings. The measures taken earlier and due to increased seismic activity in the area of Andros, between Thera and Amorgos, the President of the OASP, Professor Euthymios Lekkas, called a joint meeting of the Standing Scientific Committee for the Assessment of Seismic Risk and Reduction of Seismic Risk and the Standing Scientific Monitoring Committee for the Greek Volcanic Bow of OASP. The meeting took place at the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, in the presence of Minister Vasilis Kikilia, Deputy Minister Evangelos Tournas, GG. of Civil Protection, Vassilis Papageorgiou, as well as representatives of the Fire Corps leadership. Following a thorough examination of all data so far, it was unanimously expressed by all members of the Committees that: 1. Seismic activity within the caldera remains in remission. 2. The seismic sequence is still increased in the last 48 hours with more than 200 earthquakes in the region of Andros, between Thera and Amorgos (shocks with a maximum size of 4.5). 3. The current seismic activity in the area of Andros Island is due to underwater faults with a BA-ND address and is not related to volcanic activity. 4. The Committees propose the following preventive measures: a. Schools should remain closed on Monday 03/02/2025 in Thera, Anafi, Ios and Amorgos. b. Citizens should: – avoid large meetings within buildings. – avoid approach to abandoned buildings. – avoid access and stay in the ports of Ammoudi, Armeni, Korfu and Old Port Fira. – to proceed with the removal of dangerous elements of non-structural vulnerability in their buildings and the emptying of water in the swimming pools (pools). – to choose safe routes when moving through the urban fabric and the provincial road network, especially where there are strong morphological inclinations and are likely to occur landslide phenomena. – to be immediately removed from coastal areas, in case of strong seismic vibration. The Committees will meet again at noon on Monday (03.02.2025). With regard to informing citizens on anti-seismic protection issues, more information can be sought on the websites of the Anti-Seismic Design and Protection Organisation (www.oasp.gr) and the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection (www.civilprotection.gr). Iatropedia.gr
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