On Friday, December 6, the submission of business applications for participation in its Professional Experience Programme for 25,000 young people, as 21,000 jobs have already been filled, i.e. 84%. The DYPA Occupational Experience Programme for unemployed young people of 18 – 29 years of age began in June and is the first action of the DYPA under the new NSRF. More than 20,000 young people have already started gaining professional experience through the first action of the new DYPA NSRF. The aim of the action is to prepare 25,000 unemployed young people to join the labour market. Beneficiaries are unemployed 18 – 29 years old, registered in the Digital Register of unemployed persons of the IPPA, graduates of at least compulsory education, who are neither participating in a training or training programme nor employed. The action is aimed at private sector enterprises throughout the country. The necessary condition for the inclusion of an undertaking in the programme is that it has not reduced staff in the quarter before the electronic application has been submitted to the online platform of the DYPA. Undertakings shall join, according to their staff, as follows: The programme has a duration of 7 months and the DYPA pays the beneficiaries a monthly allowance equal to the statutory minimum wage (with full insurance contributions), a proportion of holiday gifts, leave allowance while the beneficiaries have full medical coverage of e-EFKA. The participation process is very simple: Undertakings shall submit electronic applications to and identify the qualifications and qualifications required of the positions. DYPA confirms that the undertaking fulfils the conditions, the labour advisors indicate to the undertaking candidates and the undertaking chooses among the candidates. With a total budget of 200m euros, the programme is co-financed by the Greek State and the EU through the Human Resources and Social Cohesion Programme. For more information visit .
DYPA: Until 6 December applications for 25,000 unemployed young people in the vocational experience programme