The moment the complaints against him with his pants down, they are increasing, new testimonies about a second “dragon” come out. From the day the video was published with the 22-year-old victim running away from the showdown in Peristeri, residents of the area report new incidents, describing the action as the man who attacked the 22-year-old. CORVERSE Another victim, speaking on Thursday (16.01.2020) on the Live News show, revealed that she had been the victim of a show three months ago but is not the same person. The perpetrator, in that attack, was small and impossible. The testimonies of the victims of the first dragon speak of a young beard who has muscle strength. This information “confirms” the concerns of residents that the area of Peristeri has 2 shows. “I closed the pharmacy late at night. I started going to my car. Behind me I heard some steps, turned around and saw a young man. I heard his step getting more intense, as soon as I got back he had actually approached me and caught me from the jacket. In the fight upstairs, I saw that his pants were open with his molecule out. For my luck, a man had taken his dog for a walk and heard his voices approached me. When he yelled at him, he left me and fled,” he described the victim. CORVERSE “When I saw him with his molecule out of his pants I didn’t think he could rape me because he was a very thin man. He could not have immobilized me,” he continued his description by stressing that the man who attacked her is not the same man who chased after the 22 year old. “One of my clients posted the photograph of a man standing outside an elementary school. I recognized him right away. When they saw him outside elementary school they called the police. They took him to the police station and released him,” he said of the moment he saw in social media the display that attacked her.
Dove: Two “dragons” chasing women in the neighborhoods – “They had captured him but let him go”
in Greece