He wasn’t hiding his satisfaction in returning to Oval. Office, a few hours after his inauguration as 47th U.S. “George Washington, I like, Thomas Jefferson, I like”. Having returned to the Oval Office, whose decoration just changed, Donald Trump controls the portraits of his predecessors decorating the walls. CORVERSE The 47th president of the United States, shortly after his inauguration, settled in the “resolute desk”, a solid, dark wood office. In front of it stacks of documents in leather folders and a box of his favorite black pens. Next to him a counselor gives him one after another the decrees he signs. Against him a small group of journalists. The Republican grants an improvised press conference of about 50 minutes: he makes comments against opponents’ politicians, announces important diplomatic decisions, exempts himself. CORVERSE The councilman keeps giving him documents. “This is important,” says Trump, who does not miss an opportunity to fire against immigrants, before signing a decree challenging the law of the ground, which he has described as “a joke”, but is protected by the American Constitution. “What a wonderful feeling!” states the 78-year-old, who served as president of the United States and from 2017 to 2021, when journalists ask him how he feels about returning to the Oval Office, whose decoration his team changed earlier in the day. “One of the best I’ve ever had,” he adds. The dark blue carpet Biden had put on gave way to a softer one. Curtains were added and some of the portraits were changed on the walls. “I just got here. My people are here, they have amazing decorators,” he explains. Trump turns to a wall and shows a painting: “He is good,” he comments. It is the portrait of Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the US for whom the Republican has a special appreciation, although it is a personality that progressives have criticized because of his racist and populist views. Trump then shows the portraits of the first US president, George Washington, and the third, Thomas Jefferson, “very prudent” choices. The letter from Biden When a journalist asks him if Biden, following tradition, left him a letter, Trump raises the eye from the decree he signed – which provided for the declaration of an emergency at the border with Mexico—and answers: “Maybe, wait a while”. After opening the desk drawer, he exclaims “oh!” and takes out an envelope in which the number “47” was written, with Biden’s handwriting. “It could have been years before we saw it”. Despite the gesture of his predecessor, Trump does not miss the opportunity to criticize him: “Has Biden ever given such press conferences?”, he asks reporters, knowing very well that the Democrat avoided spontaneous conversations with journalists and accepted only a few questions.
Donald Trump: “What a wonderful feeling” – The moment of his return to the Oval Office and the letter from Biden
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