Donald Trump: Diet Coke’s button returned to the White House

Incredible though…! Along with the new president of the United States, he returns to the White House – and the – and the famous Diet Coke button he used – during his first term – to have in no time his favorite soft drink. The White House’s oval office now welcomed Donald Trump and, as expected, renovations are imminent. CORVERSE The famous little red button, hidden in a wooden box, was spotted in Trump’s office after his inauguration ceremony Monday (20.10.2025), as the Wall Street Journal writes. The button was removed from the oval office in 2021 by Trump’s predecessor, former president Joe Biden. When pressed, the button alerts White House waiters that the president is thirsty and needs a Diet Coke – the drink Trump loves. “Everyone gets a little nervous when I press this button,” Trump said in 2017. Renovation with “scent” Trump The oval office, traditionally renovated according to the preferences of the upcoming president. The carpets, curtains, paintings and statues are often replaced with other objects by the collections of the White House and government offices to match the taste of the new president. The new decoration of Trump’s presidential office, includes portraits of Benjamin Franklin and George Washington – with the painting of the country’s first president hanging over the fireplace, according to the Wall Street Journal. A portrait of Alexander Hamilton, the country’s first finance minister and founder of The Post, as well as one of former President Thomas Jefferson also hanging in Trump’s office. Trump, brought back a bust of Winston Churchill, which he had exhibited at a table next to the fireplace during his first term, and held a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. that he and Biden had at the Oval Office. Biden, writing the American medium, kept the gold curtains Trump had chosen during his first term and have remained in place. The sculpture “The Bronco Buster” by artist Frederick Remington also returned to the site, under Jackson’s portrait. In the fireplace, there is an impressive silver eagle while Biden’s blue carpet was replaced with what Trump had first – in neutral color. Another change is the items on the Oval Office table.