Unspeakable tragedy in . Tecker was attacked by strays and left her last breath at the hospital where she was transported. The stray dogs attacked the little girl who was going to the library in the Yenimahalle region of Ankara Province in central Turkey. CORVERSE Speaking to the Turkish news agency Anadolu, the father of unlucky Eslim, Ersin Teker, who collapsed as soon as he saw his daughter’s lifeless body, spoke of the pain he feels about her loss. He said his daughter was attacked fatally by the dogs just 20 meters from home. “When they called, I thought they were kidding. I didn’t want to believe it. Then I left my job and went there where the incident happened. When I looked, my daughter’s lifeless body came, took her and moved her to the hospital,” he said. CORVERSE He also said that Eslim’s body was torn apart by animal bites, as was her face. Hakkari’nin Yüksekova ilçesinde, 12 yaşındaki kızını sahipsiz köpeklerin saldırısında kaybeden baba Ersin Teker, yaşadığı acıyı AA’ya anlattı — Bizim canımız yandıama başkalarınının canı yanmasın — Bu olayda özellikle belediyen ihmali var. Bunun birinci sorumlusu belediir… — Anadolu Ajansı (@anadoluajansi) Gever’de köpeklin saldırısısısısı sonu hatınınınınıyaşındaki Eslem Eslemaki “We were hurt, but no others should be hurt. Neighbors had previously applied to the Regional Government and Yuxekova Municipality to find a solution for stray dogs,” he stressed, ending with the tragic father.
Dogs massacred 12-year-old in Turkey – her father collapsed
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