Do I have a hormonal imbalance?

He Writes: Deacon Theodore
Most of the times, which we’ll talk about hormones, our mind goes to the suffering of menopause, and this is wrong. The hormonal changes can affect the …everyone, at every age. In women, the most pronounced changes come in the decades of 40 and 50, but it is not rare to see even in women who are a little over 30. This is due to the way of life and diet, and environmental factors, as well as the contamination of the air fills the body with toxins.
However, what are the most common symptoms of hormonal imbalance?
Continuous increase in weight
A lot of women are experiencing hormonal problems that make it particularly difficult for the slimming, and maintaining a healthy weight. The most common problem is the tolerance to insulin, and the first thing you can do is changes in diet; cut out the processed foods and sugar, and start eating more naturally.
Belly fat and lose muscle mass
When the endocrine system will suffer stress, begins to decline the production of certain hormones, and starts the excessive production of some other things – mainly cortisol. Cortisol, in addition to our increasing stress, our body does to store fat, especially in the abdominal area.
Decreased libido
One of the most recognizable symptoms of hormonal imbalance is low libido, which usually starts in the form of problems with sleep. If we can’t sleep and rest well, the production of sexual hormones decreases.
If somewhere in the middle of the day you feel exhausted and you need something to give you instant energy (and usually that something containing simple carbohydrates without nutritional value); Small changes in diet will help to balance your blood sugar, and have larger energy reserves, more steady pace in the day.
Anxiety, irritability and depression
If you feel strange, something’s not right and your mood is down, then don’t start even thinking about the medication. Depression and increased anxiety can be a sign of hormonal imbalance, and that I don’t eat right, you don’t provide your body with the nutrients and care it needs.
Insomnia and bad sleep schedule
As we said before, the lack of sleep causes a multitude of problems, increasing levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, causing hormonal imbalances. In fact, the insomnia and poor sleep negatively affect our lives in practically every level.
Increased appetite for food
Many hormonal imbalances, or the tolerance to insulin, can increase appetite, resulting you have to eat a lot more than you need. Try to limit sugar, alcohol and dairy, and you will have better control on your appetite, as in your digestion.
We must not forget, of course, that many of these symptoms can be associated with other health problems, therefore a simple blood test you can easily reach the center of the problem, in order to deal with it appropriately. If you’re trying to improve your diet, and if you make the right choices in your daily life, your body will thank you for it.