Dishwashing detergent: Original things that you can do with them

If you think that the only place of worth in the dishwasher detergent is next to the sink…
of your kitchen, you’re wrong. See 10 things you can do with it!
Despite its name, the dish soap has multiple household uses. In particular, it is one of the most flexible and effective cleaning supplies available in each home. Read below and see in what ways you can use it.
1 Mopping
And yet, the dishwasher detergent can help you to make the floors of your home to shine. To do that you have to do is dissolve 1/4 of a cup. dishwashing detergent, 2 cups. vinegar and 1/2 cup. lemon juice in 2 cups. hot water and to pass with this solution the floors of your home. Click here to discover what other strong cleaning agents you already have in your home.
2 garden Furniture and terrace
You may not consider that the composition of the particularly strong, however, the dishwashing detergent will help to clean in depth the furniture of the garden and terrace and to remove from them every trace of dirt.
3 Electrical appliances
Use the dishwashing detergent to effectively clean the microwave, the toaster, the blender, the oven, stovetop and refrigerator.
4 Pack
The dishwasher detergent works just like the gel that contain the most ice packs. So build your own freezer pack to use whenever you need it: fill up a plastic container with dishwashing detergent. Then, close the well and place it in the freezer.
5 stain Removal
The dishwashing detergent is the best ally in the removal of stubborn fatty stains (such as sauce, oil, mayonnaise, make-up, etc.) from clothes and fabrics. To remove this type of stains, apply a little dish detergent on the stained area and rub with a sponge before you rinse well with warm water. Beyond the greasy, oily stains, click here to see how you can get rid of hair dye from the towels with the help of dishwashing detergent.
6 Windows
Enough few drops of detergent dish dissolved in 2 cups. hot water to see the glass more shiny and clean than ever. Dip a soft sponge in this solution, poor it over the windows and dry them immediately using a clean cotton cloth.
7 Door
Treat easily, directly and economically, the annoying creaking of the door, putting a little dish soap on the hinges and the door knobs of your door.
8 Repellent ant
If the tiny these insects you have disturbed the attacks, you only have to mix 1/2 of a cup. dishwashing detergent with 1/2 cup. water and drop it in spots where they burrow in your home. This solution will destroy the existing ants, and, at the same time, it will prevent the next to come into the house.
9. General cleaning
You are out of the cleaner general use? No problem! The dishwasher detergent is the perfect replacement since you can use it to clean almost all surfaces of the kitchen countertops and cabinets up to the sills of the windows and the skirting boards. Read here how you can make a non-toxic dishwashing detergent.
10. Air conditioner
A use of dish-washing detergent that you might not know is this has to do with cleaning the filter of your air conditioner. The times you use it a lot (summer and winter), once a month, be sure to remove the filter from the air conditioner, and dip it in a basin of warm water and some dishwasher detergent. After you rub it slightly, rinse and leave to dry naturally. So your air conditioner will have a much greater performance.

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