Dionysis Savvopoulos for his wife: If I was tempted and selfish, I confessed to her.

He reveals and “disclosed” through the pages of the book he wrote entitled “Why the years run in bulk”. The popular artist makes a journey through time and arrives from yesterday to today. He stands on the most important chapters of his life. He talks about the children and the mistakes he made in raising them, but also about his wife, who supported him in easy and difficult. On the pages of his book, which sprung up tlife.gr, Dionysis Savvopoulos makes an important reference to his wife, Aspa, with whom they count 60 years married. “And with Aspa well matched. We’re almost 60 years married. Life if they had condemned us, they would have left us now. But no. I still want it” he originally wrote and continues: “How is it to be married all these years?” they ask us. “Did you ever think about splitting up? “ ‘No!’ says Aspa immediately. But I say: “Ah, Aspa, we thought about it many times, honey.” And then there were days when the tombstone of everyday life fell on us again. I worked in clubs full of young women, sexually willing and additionally in love with the protagonist. I felt like a little kid putting it in a room where they run roller coasters, talking robots, a bunch of fancy toys, but I shouldn’t touch anything. Only to see. My marriages you wanted” I thought, “But if I was tempted, and if I was selfish sometimes, I confessed to her. I can’t keep secrets from my wife. I tell her everything. Besides, I’m a man, didn’t I have any reliefs? No, I didn’t have any relief. I could hear it in her cold silence. I could see it in this cold green in her eyes,” explains Dionysis Savvopoulos. In another chapter of his book, he focuses on raising his children: “I slapped my children when they were young. Sometimes I slapped them. I hope the earth will open up and swallow me now that I say so. I’m ashamed. I’m ashamed you’ll all be reading to us now. “Artist”, says the other, “man with sensibilities”. I used to fight them upstairs screaming like a bitch. My little birds were staring at me. I loved them. We walked hand, hand, first with the big guy and a few years later with the kid. We were going up to the big wheel of the amusement park and we were staring.” CORVERSE At another point, the great music composer describes the first emotions after the birth of his first child. “I became a father when I was twenty-four. Once I saw the newborn, I felt a fear, a repellent… An abomination! The baby was fine, I was the weirdo, I was the stranger. I stood away for a long time, and when they gave it to me in my arms, I gave it back almost immediately. I was afraid of it. What I had to do to be a father. I was completely from elsewhere. Irrelevant”. “I don’t tolerate noises. The noise is driving me crazy. One time I was angry that the kid in the yard was making a fuss and wouldn’t let me work. I called for his bike to bring me up and I took it and threw it with rabies down into the yard. Then I asked him to bring it back up and I threw it back down foaming. Just like Satan. The kid was sore. He looked at me with his eyes wide open and scared. I regret it, of course. He was just a kid. I said, “Sorry, son, we’ll fix the bike, don’t worry.” He looked at me like he didn’t understand what kind of creature his dad was. That’s the kind of carf I never made before. But what can you do with it? With them and with them evil had been done.” Dionysis Savvopoulos also refers to his parents. As he confesses, he regrets not having time to say “I adore you”. His two sons and his wife, Aspa, are now everything to him. “Unfortunately, my parents didn’t have time to communicate so deeply. Let me get this straight while he was still alive. Our relations had, of course, been restored, but never reached the pit, my bitterness. I’m sorry I didn’t have time to tell them that: I adore you, Dad; I adore you, Mom. You’re perfect in my eyes now. Divine, like when I was a little kid. This light, this possibility, I don’t want to lose it with my children. I don’t want to be late and miss the chance. Open up with the big guy and the little guy like Aspa that long summer. Spread our wings and fly before we part forever.”