Dionysis Savvopoulos and reveals the battle with cancer: They cut me half a lung.

“Why the years run in bulk” is the title of the book written by him and talks about “Nion”, the singer with round glasses, braces and musket. The “Nionion” of our youth. In this book, his autobiography released early January, Dionysis Savvopoulos, as he writes in his note, speaks of his own “Nionios”. He reveals the battle he fought with cancer. A battle that began amid the coronavirus pandemic. CORVERSE At the time, Dionysis Savvopoulos appeared in “Alessos” with Manolis Mitsias. When the performances ended, “Nionios” learned the diagnosis: lung cancer. “Since I had time to see the doctors, I went to see the doctors because I had some trouble. The tests found lung cancer. All of a sudden? Not so suddenly. I’ve been smoking for over 50 years, and I’ve been telling you this for careful, keep an eye on you, and if – the non-born – happens to you, don’t be afraid, face it, and God has it. CORVERSE They removed half a lung, and then I went into some treatments, which as long as they had their side effects. Fatigue, actually. A feeling of great weakness,” writes Dionysis Savvopoulos.