Dimitris Tsiodras: The occupation and division of Cyprus must end

A special reference to the Turkish occupation was made by the New Democracy MEP speaking to the plenary of the European Parliament calling on Europe to stop closing its eyes. “Europe must finally stop turning a blind eye to Turkish occupation in Cyprus,” Dimitris Tsiodras said and added… “The self-proclaiming of the pseudostate in Northern Cyprus has been an open challenge to international legality. Continuing its existence is an open wound to the body of Europe.” At the European Parliament meeting on the self-proclaiming of the pseudo-state, Mr. Chiodras intervened, highlighting national positions and demanding full European solidarity: “Europe cannot and must not become accustomed to this barbaric illegality, which has continued for decades now, on its own territory! – on the territory of a member state. European solidarity with Cyprus must be absolute, complete, lasting and active – until it is justified! The illegal secessionist entity, which declared itself a state and boldly asks for its recognition by the international community, has no self-existent standing: it is a disguise of the occupation regime imposed on the northern part of Cyprus and bases its existence on Turkish invasion and occupation troops.” Mr. Tsiodras also stressed the general importance of the European attitude in Cyprus regarding what is happening these days on the international stage: “Our refusal to accept the ends of the Turkish invasion and occupation in Cyprus sends a message to those seeking revisionism and border change today” – he said. And he concluded: “The occupation of European territory is a challenge for Europe itself and should be treated as such. The European Union must exercise all its influence to achieve a solution on the basis of UN decisions. The occupation and division of Cyprus must end! “