‘ I claim my social presence, I am not closed to glass walls,” said . On how he faced the abrupt recognition and positive reactions he had from the world, Dimitris Piatas spoke among others on Monday night (20.01.2025) who was found a guest on the show “Tips”. TRANSPARENCY “Terror… When I saw myself in the trolleys, during my collaboration with Elias Marosoulis who was the only one who did this and suddenly realized that I was getting into the trolleys, I was forced never to get back into my life in this medium,” Dimitris Piatas originally said. “I had and still have reactions positive from the world. I claim my social presence, I don’t close to glass walls. I believe that I am respected by the public and I never sold my personal life out when I had every reason,” commented the well-known actor in his new interview.
Dimitris Piatas: “The public respects me, I never sold my personal life”
in Lifestyle