Dimitris Chronis: 15-year record in trademark applications to the Industrial Property Organization

In 2024, the number of applications for trade marks lodged with the Industrial Ownership Organisation ( ) and this figure is the highest in the last 15 years. Dimitris Chronis, president of the Board of Directors of OBI, was quoted in a statement: “The brand is a crucial factor in economic growth, affecting business strategy, value creation, expansion in new markets and job creation. Consequently, the number of Greek trademarks filed annually is an indicator of growth and the real economy. CORVERSE In 2024, just before December was completed, the number of applications filed for a trademark at the OBI reaches 7,000. This figure is the highest in the last 15 years at least, while it comes as a follow-up to 2023, where it has again ranged to high levels, i.e. 6,449. Increased interest in trademark registration is associated with increased mobility in business, which occurs in times of economic boom. An overview of the corresponding numbers of Greek trademark deposits in the years of the crisis is sufficient to convince. In addition to the above positive news from the point of view of the market and the economy, positive results in the OBI inspire satisfaction and optimism for the following reasons: Firstly, for public confidence in the intellectual property system, as the means of protecting their intangible asset, such as the mark. Secondly, for preference for the Greek brand. While it is possible to obtain a European Signal directly, the easy, direct and affordable procedure of the national mark attracts the majority of depositors. CORVERSE Thirdly, because the upgrading of the quality of services and the spectacular acceleration of procedures since 2022, when the OBI took over responsibility for keeping the record of trade marks, is inextricably linked to the positive results we are discussing today. Expecting an even greater increase in the next year, OBI strongly continues to spread the message to protect intellectual property in conjunction with the ever faster and more quality provision of services,” says Mr.Chronis in his statement. Source: RES-AE