‘ With our family and children joins us much more than anything else,” said her husband, . About the relationship after the divorce with his ex-wife Maria Bakodimos and the participation in My Style Rocks spoke, among others, Dimitris Argyropoulos on Thursday morning (16.01.20205) on the camera of the show “Morning Sou” and journalist Constantina Mavrou. CORVERSE “With Maria we are also friends except parents. Our relationship has gone through forty waves, so it’s been checked. Everyone has his own merit system, but we are joined by family and children much more than anything else,” the well-known publisher admitted. “It was not easy to reach this level, it takes patience and truth”. “My Style Rocks was a nice experience, but I wouldn’t do it again. People are toxic, not television,” Dimitris Argyropoulos stressed.
Dimitris Argyropoulos: “With Maria Bakodimu has passed by forty waves our relationship”
in Lifestyle