Talkin ‘politics with The UpTake Politics
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(Title) Ygeionomiki Committee disabilities diagnosed more than 67% to continue to receive welfare benefits a woman who had died before 8minou!
The incredible case of this nature a few days ago, the services of the Prefecture of Piraeus and as others have taken already, the way to the prosecutor’s office, which conducted research to illuminate dark paths through which “resurrected” dead, who have their sight “are portrayed as” blind and healthy ‘ are “disabled?
According to the Prefecture in recent years have identified 517 cases of people who illegally received welfare benefits and, as charged by the inspectorate of the Ministry of Health, should be returned to the State total of about of 980.000 euros.

Revelation. What is disclosed in a single county in the country show what happens in the whole territory. The prefect of Piraeus, Yiannis Michas, a series of papers to inform the political leadership of the Ministry of Health, submitting specific proposals to address the problem of paying benefits to disabled-monkey.
Unknown “channels” still continue to operate as appeared in late May when it was revealed that an unfortunate woman who had died before 8minou, appeared to have spent this time from the health committee and the disability was diagnosed more than 67% … According to reports, the explanation given is that when a bedridden invalid is not required to appear in the committee, which appears with all the necessary documents relative person.
The unfortunate woman’s husband claimed that all the ‘work’ undertaken to carry the woman, which runs a mobile communication without knowing the facts, and she made sure to buy all the fake certificates. This particular husband appeared willing to help the authorities, but did not hide his fears. In contrast, other spouse in research social worker insisted that his wife was missing … excursion to see, finally, that the unfortunate woman had died. However, this finding has proved extremely difficult because the name had stated otherwise in the cemetery than what was registered for the collection of welfare benefits.
In previous cases have found that agents who are empowered to “work ‘get compensation ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 euros, depending on the case and provide necessary medical certificates.

At the end of last year had been sent by the Prefecture of Piraeus to the prosecution file with 19 cases of people who had’ Baptized “blind with false certificates, signed nonexistent doctors … The total amount that would have to return these people was estimated at 37.000 million and has already returned about 10,300 euros. The case was revealed when the Social Welfare Directorate of the Prefecture of Piraeus has received a complaint in which a man took illegal benefits blindness. On subsequent investigation found that the signature was forged administrative director and the doctor indicated had retired four years ago.

«The transparent transaction of public and citizens to protect the credibility and prestige of public administration , respect to public money, but the constant effort to enhance and support the haves really need our fellow citizens are fixed and non-negotiable principles has, “said Piraeus prefect Yannis Michas, explaining the reasons which have led the District to” dust off ” the issue of welfare benefits while having minor responsibilities in this.
Please note however that after the check was in the period 2004-2009 from the 2148 decisions of the committee the 1254 primary (rate 58.4%) were rejected by the secondary, or because the beneficiaries had a disability of over 67% either because they are not even presented for review.
The proposals have made the prefect of Piraeus for two years for institutional changes in the approval process for welfare benefits, including :

1 Review of how the establishment and functioning of health committees, with rotating doctors appointment with this office.
2 Redefinition of the method and criteria for selecting epidomatouchon.
3 Training National Register Epidomatouchon.
Among the proposals by Micha is an increase in the allowance of Child Protection, which “is fixed for years in unacceptable amount of EUR 88 every two months».


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