Did you know? What did the ancient Greeks to have… duration and strength of the love?

In ancient Greece, the meaning of marriage and the “habits” of the couple inside that was completely different…
from the today’s. In some cases, the role of women was very difficult and the way it was supposed to come near the partner was painful and excruciating. On the contrary, the man with the help of nature, it was able to satisfy his wife and up to 12 times a day!
Honey and pepper, the ancient viagra
According to the book, “The myth of sacred prostitution in antiquity’, history Stephanie Lynn Μπούτιν, in ancient times there was a series of preparations that were designed to improve the sexual performance of men. Some of them, give them the ability to have permanent stimulation. The honey combined with the pepper was one of the most common and effective formulations.
One more secret lover that time it was an indian plant that cause strong stimulation on a daily basis. From the leaves εκκρινόταν a substance that if it came into contact with the male genitalia, the man could copulate sex up to 12 times a day with a woman. To eliminate the “beneficial properties” of this plant, used as an antidote a few drops of olive oil.
Marriage after auction
In ancient Mesopotamia, marriages were a common practice that was clearly in play. The two families agree, and the marches they met the day of their wedding. In the book “Herodotus Film”, the ancient Greek historian, describes how the “auction” for his choice of bride. It happened once a year in the villages of ancient Babylon. Women accounted for all of the qualifications to get married he stood in front of a group of men looking for a wife. Each one sold to the appropriate bidder. The rich have always had priority and chose the most beautiful.
Men who were not economic surface were usually the most moderate in appearance women and in many cases they didn’t even have the right to choose. Women in ancient Israel had to be virgins before marriage. If the guy blamed his partner that it was untouched until married, the woman λιθοβολούνταν to death. In case you manage to prove her innocence, the husband μαστιγωνόταν public about the unfair category.
Male prostitution
In ancient Athens those who prostitutes to pay taxes. It was commonplace for men to want sex younger lovers. Those who made this profession had no political rights and were mainly slaves.
In ancient Babylon there was a custom that all the women had to perform their sacred duty to the goddess Μιλλίτα or Μουλισού, as people used to call it. This goddess was a form that represented the “sacred prostitution”. Each woman individually had to recreate sex in the temple with a stranger versus a specific amount. Herodotus in his book many times refers to women who were entering and coming out of the particular temple. “A woman is sitting in this place and not leaving until a stranger to the fly, silver in the arms for contact with the sacred”. The profits were dedicated to the goddess, and in this case, the beautiful women were a priority. Some leave and do nothing for several years because of their external appearance.
The phallus of the Πρίαπου as a threat
In some cities of ancient Rome were placed statues of the ancient god Πρίαπου which had as a feature a big phallus. The statues were placed in gardens of the market to discourage trespassing. It was a form of threat for the sexual punishment that could be imposed by Πρίαπος trespassers.
The punishment of adultery
In ancient Mesopotamia, the code of Hammurabi stipulated the adultery as a criminal offence which is punishable by death. In Rome, the adulterous killed by order of their father. Later the death has been replaced with large fines and public humiliation.
In India there was the custom of “sati”. The widow was not entitled to proceed with her life after the death of her husband. The only option he had was to be cremated with the burning or in some cases to be buried alive next to him.

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