Cyprus: Appointed to committee of experts for fires

The appointment of three independent experts, for submission of improvement proposals in the business plans for…
fire response, proceeded to the Cabinet after the disastrous fire in Solea, which claimed the lives of two δασοπυροσβέστες and left behind 18,5 sq. km. scorched earth. Chairman of the three-member committee is the academician with specialization in the assessment-risk management George Μπούστρας, which will be flanked by two experienced former government officials. Excellent John, a former director of the Department of Forestry, and George Hadjigeorgiou, former director of the Fire Service.
The proposal jointly submitted to the Cabinet of the ministers of Justice, Agriculture and Interior. Terms of reference of the committee of experts is to study the existing system to combat fires and to study depending on systems foreign with the aim to propose, if needed, possibly improvements.
In addition, after having studied the gaps will make recommendations to avoid a repetition of similar issues in the future, while not excluded the possibility to move to a new design to deal with such phenomena. The aim is to create a safer system for the management of such cases.
In the three states will be given the reports prepared by the Forest Department and Fire Service. The reports included conclusions, proposals and recommendations made by the departments to improve the fire-extinguishing system in Cyprus for more effective coordination of the forces of response in case of fires.
It is noted that from the first moment of the fire, President Anastasiades said that the government will assign experts to give their own expertise with regard to the actions for prevention and more generally for the ways of dealing with emergency situations.