Cyprus AEZ: Exxon Mobil starts drilling for natural gas in Plot 5

Today (19.01.2025) Exxon Mobil for natural gas at Land 5 , via the drilling drill “VALARIS 9” already at the point. According to Cyprus Navtex 019/25, the drill is already located in Plot 5 of the AEZ and will perform the drilling at the ELEKTRA target, from today until 19 June. CORVERSE The Republic of Cyprus is steadily moving towards the exploitation of energy deposits located in the wider region, which has caused the reactions of Turkey and the pseudo-state, aimed at freezing all research activities and drilling within the Cypriot EEZ. The rights to Land 5 belong to the giant Exxon Mobil, which in a joint venture with Qatar Energy decides to start work, demonstrating that there is evidence of a significant gas deposit. Turkey is directly claiming part of the delimited Cyprus EEZ, while on behalf of the Turkish Cypriots it requires that any investigation be made on the agreement of the pseudostate, even for areas in the southern part of the island. CORVERSE Exxon Mobil’s drilling is obviously a deterrent for further moves by Turkey, but there is no way that there will be a Turkish reaction by sending Turkish researchers to another region of the Cypriot EEZ as it had been in the past. The start of the drilling coincides with the impressive upgrading of relations between the Republic of Cyprus and the US, which has also angered Ankara, and even a few weeks before the UN’s planned conference on the Cyprus issue. In the two NAVTEX issued a prohibition zone is imposed on the safety of navigation around the drilling hole and there is a warning that any violation will constitute a ‘criminal offence under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus and International Law of the Sea of 1982’. The Cypriot NAVTEX: ZCZC MA 29 19 0100 UTC JAN 2025 JRCC LARNACA/CYPRUS RADIO NAV WRNG 020/25 DRILLING OPERATION IN PSN 33-38.672 N 031-03.205 E BY DRILLING SHIP VALARIS DS-9 FROM 19 JAN 2025 UNTIL 19 JUNE 2025 A SAFETY ZONE OF 500 METERS FROM ANY POINT OF THE OUTER END OF VALARIS DS-9 IS ESTABLISHED ENTERING THE ABOVE AREA IS PROHIBITED FOR ANY Reason. VIOLATION OF SAFETY ZONE WILL BE CONSIDER AS CRIMINAL OFFENCE AGAINST THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS LAWS AND THE INTERNATIONAL LAW AT SEA OF 1982. CANCEL THIS MESSAGE ON 20 JUNE 2025 0100 UTC. BRCC LARNACA/CYPRUS RADIO/5BA NNNNN — — —————————————————————————————————————————————————- ZCZZZZZZZZZZZC MA 27 19 0100 UTC JANAC LARNACA/CYPRUS RADIO NAV WRNG 019/25 DRILING OPERATION IS CONDUCED IN CYCLICAREARADIUS AND CENT N 031-03.205 E BY DRILLING SHIP VALARIS DS-9 FROM 19 JAN 2025 UNTIL 19 JUNE 2025 FOR SAFETY REASONS, ALL SHIPS ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO AVOID ENTERING THE AFOREMENTIONED AREA. CANCEL THIS MESSAGE ON 20 JUNE 2025 0100 UTC. JRCC LARNACA/CYPRUS RADIO/5BA