Crisiss in EL.A.: Remains the commander in the “Greek FBI”, Atticarch A. Cabras – All names

It continued with the commander in the newly established “Greek FBI” to remain in place while the new Attikarch is Athanasios Cabras from Direct Action, in place of I. Skouras who went to Police Headquarters. See in detail all posts of the sub-strategics, following the crises of the Greek Police: ADVERSE By decision of the Chief of the Greek Police, Lieutenant General Demetrius Mallios, the positions of the Sub-strategics of the Greek Police were made, as follows: Skouros Ioannis, by General Police Directorate of Attica in the Order/A Branch. E.A., as Head, Spyridakis Nikolaos, at the General Regional Police Department of Crete, where he serves as General Regional Police Director, Stagakis Marinos, from the Security Branch/A.E. A. at the Directorate-General for the Protection of Official and Eupathetic Targets, as Director General, Pavlopoulos Petros, at the Department for the Protection of President of Government, where he serves, as Director, Manolis Evangelos, at the Welfare Fund for Employees in Security Bodies, where he serves, Axiotopoulos Ilias, at the General Regional Police Directorate of Peloponnese, where he serves, as General Regional Police Director, Nicolakopoulos Sotiris, at the Management-Technical Support and Information Services Branch, where he serves, as Head of, Duitsis Fotios, at the Directorate for the Management of Organized Crime/A.A., where he serves, as Director, Jmas George, from Address for the Management of Organized Crime/A. A. at the General Police Directorate of Thessaloniki, as General Police Director, with public expenditure, Laskos Spyridon, at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations/A.E.A., where he serves, as Director, Thanos Loukas, at the General Regional Police Directorate of South Aegean, where he serves, as General Regional Police Director, Sevdinidis Michael, at the General Regional Police Directorate of North Aegean, where he serves, as General Regional Police Director, Tsatsaris Theodoros, from Police Directorate Achaias to the General Regional Police Directorate of Western Greece, as General Regional Police Director, Cabras Athanasios, from Direct Action Directorate of Attica to the General Police Directorate of Attica, as General Police Director, Manolis Nikolaos, from Support/A.A., at the Department of Police Department of Athens Airport, as Director, as Director, seconded to the Ministry of State Police Department of Defence, as Mr. A. at the General Regional Police Directorate of the Ionian Islands, as General Regional Police Director, with public expenditure, Dimakareas Panayiotis, from the Security Office of Members of the Government and Political Persons in the Directorate of Special Police Forces/A. E.A., as Director, with public expenditure, Kyprakis Sotirios, from Public Security Directorate A. to the Directorate-General for Police/A. E.A., as Director, Katsantonis Lambros, in the Directorate of Police Operations of Attica, where he serves, as Director, Stavros Ioannis, in the Directorate for Combating Organized Crime/A.E. A., where he serves, as Deputy Director, Lianoydakis Ioannis, in the House Security Service of the Greeks, where he serves, as Director, Vasouras Elias, from Police Directorate of Lesvos in the Second Division of Police of Dodecanese, as Director, with public expenditure, Papafilippou Christos, from Directorate of Traffic in the General Regional Police Directorate of Central Greece, as General Regional Police Director, Kakousis Constantine, from General Regional Police Directorate of Western Greece to the General Regional Police Directorate of Epirus, as General Regional Police Director, with public expenditure, [PS] Badekas Athanasios, at the Directorate of Health Law/A.E.A., where he serves, as Director, [C.] Lagios Michael, in the Directorate of Criminal Research/A. Crisiss for Brigadiers: Who are promoted to major generals, who remain brigadiers and who are discharged Following the crisis of the Sub-strategics, the crises of the Greek Police Brigades continued by the Supreme Council of the Corps, under the Presidency of the Chief of the Hellenic Police, Lieutenant General Demetrius Mallios and the participation of the Deputy Generals of the Corps Panayiotis Pupuza and Charalambos Kalogeros: ADVERTISIS were judged pre-accelerated to the rank of Major General, to cover vacant organic positions of this rank, the 14 Brigadiers General and Special Agents: Tsatsaris Theodoros, Kampras Athanasios, Manolis Nikolaos, Michaelidis George, Doukareos Panayiotis, Kypriakis Sotoris, Katsantonis Labros, Stavrakakis Ioannis, Lianoydakis Ioannis, Vazuras Ilias Ilias, Papafilippus, Kakous Konstantinos and Lagios Michael Michael (Eglios) The following Brigadiers of Generals and Special Cases: Papadakis Emmanuel, Bitsakakis Lykourgos, Mouselimis Vasilios, Platias Konstantinos, Tsampiras Dimitrios, Bilialis Stylianos, Topalis Konstantinos, Siafis Miltiadis, Kokkinis Charalambos, Voulgaris Dimitrios, Scandalis Elias, Tsiotas Evangelos, Amarjanitakis, John, Lyberatos Aristidis, Spanoudis Constantine, Sotiopoulos Georgios, Triantafylos Ioannis, Papakostios Vasilios, Giannopoulos Nikolaos, Mavromatios Vasilios, Pelekanos Konstantinos, Bakoumis Isis, Chardalias Eleftherios, Konstantinos Konstantinos Konstantinos Konstantinos Konstantinos Konstantinos Konstantinos Papazopoulos The following 26 Brigadiers of Generals and Special Capitheons, who are promoted to the rank of Major General outside organic positions, will be discharged after 30 days, with another Presidential Decree: Surmelis Constantine, Karahalios George, Maistrellis Dimitrios, Kostis Dionysios, Gerogiakos Athanasios, Mangos George, Alexandropoulos Panaiotis, Papaggelis Angelos, Diogaris Spyridon, Piperis Evangelos, Bassbanas George, Kazamios Emmanuel, Leousi Antonios, Kostorizos Athanasios, Eleftheropoulou, Stylianios, Bourodimos George, Panadopoulos, Perdikisis Peter, Mastradakis George, Giannis, Mouropoulos, Moutzinos Athanos, Katsopoulos Alekios, Kostorizos Athanasios Athanasios, Eleftheropoulos, Eleftheropoulos, Giannopoulos and Charamios, Dimitris.