‘Hot’ health issues come to regulate the new Health Ministry bill, which provides charges of EUR 1, 3 and EUR 5 to citizens for diagnostic examinations and against the Among the issues regulated by the bill include the promotion of vaccination for coronavirus and private pharmacies and additional charges of EUR 1 and EUR 3 for laboratory and diagnostic examinations from April 1, when carried out in private bodies contracted with EOPY. The draft law “Public Health Actions – Arrangements to strengthen the National Health System”, which, among other things, removes for the first time the exclusive employment relationship of public doctors with the NSO, since it enables them to perform a private project, was submitted to public consultation today and will remain open for comments to the public until 19 March 2024. In the public consultation, each social partner and any interested party shall be invited to participate, by submitting their proposals for any improvement in the provisions of that legislation. EUR 1 and EUR 3 per examination Article 24 on the execution of diagnostic examinations in contracted private diagnostic centres and clinical laboratory doctors shall amend relevant provisions promoting the establishment of a charge of EUR 1 and EUR 3. As is stated, ‘depending on the patient’s one-euro charge to pharmacies for the execution of prescriptions, the beneficiaries of care of the EEAY will pay from 1 April to the contracted private diagnostic centres and clinical laboratory physicians EUR 1 per referral for the execution of diagnostic examinations of biological materials (p. biochemical and blood tests) and EUR 3 per referral for performing imaging tests (p. axial, magnetic, etc.). Revenue collected from the contracted diagnostic centres and clinical laboratory physicians shall be equal to the cost of each provider submitted for compensation by the EEAY. The details will be settled by ministerial decision. Anti-coronavirus vaccinations in pharmacies Article 48 promotes vaccination against Covid in pharmacies. In particular, as stated, ‘the private pharmacies will be allowed to perform at the site of the pharmacy seasonal vaccination and administration of tetanus serum to the citizens, but also to carry out all vaccines to adults mentioned in the National Adult Vaccination Programme, as well as to carry out the vaccine against coronavirus SARS – CoV – 2 prescribed by doctors’. Immunosuppressed patients for live attenuated viruses and pregnant women are excluded from this procedure for all vaccines except influenza vaccine. The provision provides that for any vaccination carried out in the pharmacy against coronavirus SARS – CoV – 2, regardless of the type of vaccine, compensation shall be fixed for the licensed pharmacist with an amount of EUR 5, more than VAT. By Janna Soulaki/iatropedia.gr
Coronavirus: By law of vaccination in Pharmacies at a cost of 5 euros – Charges 1 and 3 euros for diagnostic tests
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