He caused smiles with his lines, in “Hamzela again”. As he said, he always asks his comrades about the ties they had before him. A survey presented in Mega’s “Hamzela again” about the lies men and women tell brought epic comments but Constantine Vasalos managed to steal the show. According to the survey, women lie most of the lies compared to their past sexual partners. “It’s not three, it’s 5 or 8. I always ask, it’s not stupid,” Constantine Vasalos originally said and continued: “When you meet a man after a while you ask him! I don’t mind. I had met a girl and from the first minute she told me how many she’d been with and it was a big number and I appreciated her. He was very honest with me. I felt he told the truth. He did not go on for other reasons,” he said. Constantine Vasalos became known through his participation, in Survivor and in recent years is on the panel of the show presented by Sissi Christidou.
Constantine Vasalos: “I had met a girl and from the first moment she told me how many she has been with”
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