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(Title) Rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo team raped nearly 200 women during the four-day occupation of the city Louvoungki at the beginning of the month, as relief agencies said today.
Men the FDLR, the Hutu militia in Rwanda and Mai Mai rebels active in recent years in eastern Congo, terrorizing people and raping thousands of women each year, despite the efforts made by the country’s military, in cooperation with the United Nations to the counter.
On July 30, groups of FDLR and Mai Mai attacked Louvoungki city in the province of North Kivu, captured and put under their control until August 3.
“When the attack (the rebels) looted homes and raped many women in Louvoungki and surrounding areas, “said Stephanie Trasari, Representative Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the UN (OCHA). “The organization International Medical Corps (IMC) reported that men systematically raped FDLR residents in the four-day stay in Louvoungki. A total of 179 reported cases of sexual violence,” he added.
The IMC is a humanitarian organization responsible for providing assistance to victims. “Almost all rapes were from two to six armed men, often in front of children or spouses of women,” the communication of the organization.
In recent months the United Nations peacekeepers have withdrawn from the 1700 area at the request of the Government of Congo to end the mission (MONUSCO) next year. But continue to support operations against several armed groups operating in the east.
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