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New episode in relations Pangalos – Michelaki for ‘blue’ complaints that PASOK exaggerates the state.

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The Pridelands saw their darkest days under Scar’s rule. Hyenas took over, fear ran rampant among the creatures of the jungle, and food was at an all time low. Having defeated Scar, Simba returns to the throne and finds himself shoulders deep in a similar mess as a certain 44th president. (Note from the creators: Don’t look too much into it, we’re just having fun!) Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama musically argue it out over who is the better candidate in this song satirizing “Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better. ” Extra keywords: President Obama’s Message on the Debt Agreement President Obama’s Message on the Debt Agreement President Obama’s Message on the Debt Agreement obama campaign 2012 election obama 2012 video 2012 obama 2012 campaign president obama obama2012 2012 video obama for america 2012 election re-election reelection president barack obama barack obama for president organizing for america father’s day barack obama hillary clinton snidetv snide berlin satire comedy humor animation cartoon politics election primary president obama2012 for america re-election reelection barack organizing father’s day ADA Sport “Digital Sport” Simba politics “political BarackObamadotcom Video Rating: 4 / 5