Comrade George Daskalaki: “His family wants no contact with me”

For the one month that experiences the loss of her loved one, his companion, Maria Dinore, spoke today Tuesday (31.12.2024). Almost a month after the day the well-known singer, George Daskalakis left life after his three-year battle with cancer, was completed. His last companion spoke to Super Katerina about her favorite who “run away”. CORVERSE Maria Dinoris revealed on Alpha’s camera that George Daskalakis’ family wants nothing to do with her. “The tomb was taken over by me along with his musicians until a family member asked me to abstain, because I no longer belong there. They told me thanks for what I’ve done these years. His family doesn’t want to have any contact with me. I loved them and loved them. And his mom and kids. We weren’t married. I’m devastated, I’m hurt, I’m offended. He alone knows the truth and took it with him,” confessed Maria Dinore.