5/1/08 GenWex Reel Politics
Image by Wexner Center
(Title) Reduction arrivals of nearly 70% know Agathonisi since patrolling the island forces Frontex. As noted by the commune on the island Evangelos Kottoros, while last year until June had reached the island in 2850 foreigners, over the same period this year reached only 430 people. Very important due to the presence of Frontex are reducing illegal entry of aliens in the Aegean, as evidenced by the number of arrests. In the northern Aegean, the decrease was 50% (from 3986 a quarter of the 2009 to 1955 in a quarter of 2010) and the South Aegean 65% (981 of 2.818).
The company Poseidon “of Frontex, with a budget of more than 10 million made for the fourth consecutive year in the Aegean, involving 22 states and dozens of patrol boats, aircraft, mobile surveillance units, experts and interpreters. The budget of the European External Borders Agency Oversight has experienced spectacular growth (from 6 million in 2005 to 88.8 million in 2009 and 87.9 million in 2010). Indeed, on July 1 was inaugurated in Piraeus, initially with four special-pilot operation, the first regional arm of the Agency, which will last until late 2011. The annex, which will be fully operational by 25 experts in October, is responsible for the Southeastern Mediterranean and coordinate operations from Malta and Italy to Cyprus. Moreover, better coordination of supervisory authorities of the border is one of three “pillars” of the policy of the Agency. The other two are the early identification of those arrested and cooperation with the States of transit and origin for the immediate return. No, not at random is a growing discussion among Member States to organize joint charter flights.
Until now, these return flights are mainly national and have been criticized when on returning Afghans. In the single political police, the Swedish Commissioner Mrs Cecilia Malstrom said last February in the European Parliament that the aim is for the Agency to purchase its own equipment so as not to depend on member states to train its own personnel in fundamental human rights to acquire its own resources.
This month, the Frontex has organized a meeting in Spain with manufacturers of unmanned remotely piloted aircraft, which intends to use to prevent entry of refugees and migrants in the EU
But as the sole concern is just to patrol the European region and rather indifferent to national boundaries of member states, made a major mistake for the sovereign rights of Greece: in the negotiations initiated by the 2002 readmission agreement the EU – Turkey does not hesitate to delete the definition of “contiguous areas ‘or even’ common borders of the EU (which includes other readmission agreements) in order to meet Turkey in the ‘declared’ ambiguity of the external borders of the EU and do not set clear commitments to neighbors regarding readmission obligations, despite generous funding from the United Europe.
In this case, the crucial intervention of the Minister, Mr M. Chrisochoïdis in Council of Ministers on 29 May resulted in the “sinking” of the Agreement and freeze up to ensure our country.
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