House of Terror
Image by Jim Moran
(Title) «Skipping ‘collective bargaining agreements, implementation of the tire over eight hours and … support flexible forms of employment under the new memorandum. The government one month after passing the final law (which, among other things, brings cheapest dismissal if notice) is required to take new measures for more … flexible labor market.
The “new memorandum, inter alia, provides as follows:
1 Changes in collective agreements. Specifically, the government is required to ensure “that the contracts at the company prevail in the sectoral agreements. Furthermore, the Government, inter alia, requested to withdraw the provision for the extension of sectoral agreements and those not represented in the negotiations.
The deputy president of GSEE, George Gavrilis, notes that with features thus likely to stay in the “air” of thousands of workers and drastically reduce the size of sectoral agreements. Today in a sector employers (where at least 50%) and trade unions can sign the contract, which was subsequently extended to all workers.
If there are changes in the sectoral agreements will pave the way for setting wages and even personal contract!
2 Elastification working time by reducing overtime pay and greater flexibility in working hours (known as rubber time). Today there are strict limitations on the application of rubber over eight hours, which allows a company to regulate the working hours according to their needs. However, unionists fear that there will be a more flexible framework, enterprises can unilaterally regulate working time.
3 Extension of flexible forms of employment with greater use of temporary work and part-time. The probationary period for new recruits formed in a year.
4 Changes in the status of recourse to arbitration when employers and unions do not agree to sign a collective contract. The ministry had originally submitted a setting for OMED, which finally withdrew three months, giving the social partners to agree (though very difficult). It is estimated that the new regulations will put obstacles in unilateral action by the unions in the institution of arbitration. The alarm sounded by the deputy president of the GSEE, George Gavrilis, who notes that when tightening the context of arbitration under the current circumstances is real danger that even half the industry to branch left without contracts.
Dramatic changes in heavy and unhealthy
Supplementary pensions based on the viability of the Fund
Abrupt changes in supplementary pensions and the list of heavy and unhealthy occupations “Bring ‘second Round insurance reform. The “New Understanding” provides a clear continuation of the changes in Social Security and makes clear that the excess of pension expenditure will be accompanied by new measures.
If financial targets are not met, “the government will review the basic parameters of the pension system, as defined by the Law 3863/10. Indeed, notes that “the review should be designed in close consultation with the European Commission, IMF and ECB».
In particular, by the end of December, the National Actuarial Authority should present a study on impact of reform and whether the pension costs are kept at 2.5% of GDP by 2060. Otherwise the Insurance will open procedures, Express, and the new memorandum provided that “any further adjustments will be completed by the end of June 2011. The second round of insurance reform will primarily concern:
* The list of workers in heavy and unhealthy occupations. The new list comes into force on July 1, 2011 and even for today’s workers. The changes will be dramatic, as the new memorandum provided that the list of heavy and unhealthy occupations covering up to 10% of the workforce.
If implemented this provision, the president of the workers insurance funds (POPOKP) Thanassis Tsiakanikas, notes that “at least 50% of workers will get a heavy and unhealthy. In those professions excluded from this special status is raising the retirement age by five years and a reduction in wages and pensions (as workers lose their special allowance).
* Supplementary pensions. By late March, the National Actuarial Authority is required to carry out studies on the economic viability of alternative funds, covering 700,000 members.
Then the amount of pension is proportionate to the economic viability of each Fund , resulting in nine out of ten alternative funds at risk!
Finally, “New Understanding”, specific reference and even the Bank of Greece, which “undertakes not to confer special pension benefits to its staff and revise the basic parameters of the pension fund, to match those of the Social Security ».
K. Bony
pinch TV
evidence of revelries
Image by giveawayboy
Zeitgeist: Addendum, attempts to locate the root causes of this pervasive social corruption, while offering a solution. This solution is not based on politics, morality, laws, or any other “establishment” notions of human affairs, but rather on a modern, non-superstitous based understanding of what we are and how we align with nature, to which we are a part. The work advocates a new social system which is updated to present day knowledge, highly influenced by the life long work of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project. STOP COMPLYING WITH THE SYSTEM! RIGHT NOW!!!