The absolute priority of the Ministry of Finance ( ) for 2025 is to further combat it and subsequent tax reductions, and will remain in the coming years. The above results through the Consolidated Government Policy Plan which was given yesterday (15,12025) to publicity and records, among other things, the full tax agenda of the MIIC measures for the next two years, where the fight against tax evasion and tax reductions are of pre-existing importance. CORVERSE To achieve these objectives, a number of planned modernisation measures are required to pass the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AED) and the overall tax system in a new era. Of course, the HYPOIC in 2025 doesn’t start from scratch. It has as a deposit the achievements of the nearby past, as it was only the year that the work of connecting the 400,000 cash machines with POS was completed, achieving the relevant goal, with the official confirmation of the osyms expected in 2025. Thus, this year, HYMIC and AADE are able to pursue new objectives that will contribute to the further reduction of the VAT gap, approaching the European average of 7%. CORVERSE Assistance to professionals and businesses continues The financial staff are therefore ready in the new year to expand the use of data submitted to the myDATA platform on enterprises for income tax declarations. At the same time, the implementation and extension of the electronic submission of shipping notes and the gradual activation of the compulsory electronic billing mechanism, which will be implemented as of this year, is expected to facilitate businesses in documenting the movement of goods, supporting the audit services of AADE with verifications and cross-checks, reforming the tax framework Following changes to the Income Tax Code, the INDIC initiates the continuation and completion of the consolidation of Real Property Taxation, indirect taxes and the National Customs Code, which aims to reduce administrative costs and compliance costs for businesses and strengthen the development process. At the same time, it is expected that the special ADE website will be launched with transparent information to taxpayers. In the same direction of implementing new rules, the various tax reductions that were enacted in 2024 are expected from this year. These include the abolition of the profit charge for all natural persons, but also the exemption of EUR 300 per month from the income tax on tips. New, digital era for ADE In addition to implementing measures, however, the financial staff also plan structural interventions at AADE. IRS procedures that once required time and money will now be implemented by fast and effective digital means. Thus, in 2025, cooperation between the Ministry of Digital Governance and the Ministry of Digital Governance on the digital and operational autonomy of the Authority is expected. In the same context, the implementation of the investment for the ‘Digital transformation of tax controls’ is continued with the aim of automatically completing tax declarations, improving the effectiveness of controls and increasing state revenue. At the same time, through myDATA platform and the establishment of a business intelligence/data analysis system by the end of the year, AADE aims to combat tax evasion and smuggling by using artificial intelligence and learning engineering. In the context of the investment “Digital Transformation of AADE” within 2025, the information system for the needs of AADE’s DG will be put into service, and the partial completion of projects aimed at strengthening the cyber-resistance of AADE is expected. Finally, it improves and expands the Center for Tax Administration of ADE with the signing of the contract expected in the first quarter of 2025 and then the activation of call center.
Combating tax evasion, digital modernisation, tax reductions – the entire tax agenda of the two years 2025 – 2027