Cleopatra Eleftheriadou for “The Mary Who became Callas”: I started crying, it was like a panic attack.

Her big acting debut, even performing the opera diva, was made by Cleopatra Eleftheriadou. Cleopatra Eleftheriadou spoke on Tuesday morning (04.02.2020) about this great opportunity, as a guest on the show “Buongiorno”. CORVERSE “I’m in studies, I’ll finish in a year, two. I had never seen me in the lens before,” said the young actress and mezzo-soprano who starred in the series “The Maria who became Callas”. “It’s a huge opportunity for me to work with such good artists, friendly people,” she says. “It went automatically and I’m very happy about what happened, I didn’t expect it from myself either. We wanted to be as careful as we can with these elements we have,” he added. CORVERSE “I tried as hard as I could and had in mind to start with a 14-year-old girl. With all the information I had and all the logic I had, I went to 14, to 15, to have an evolution because it wasn’t the Callas we know, it was Maria’s beginning. I never imagined that a man could go so high with so many difficulties ahead of him, and reach the ultimate peak.” What was the hardest shot he was invited to do? “The only day I left and was quite upset was this film I waited for too long, how will I cry when Robert dies on the rails. There was a great concern about how it was going to happen then, from the beginning of filming I thought about when this day came. It was two weeks before filming ended, because filming is complete, and this day comes, over there I start crying suddenly, when Robert dies in my arms, after some time I couldn’t stop, it was like a panic attack, feelings. That’s where I got into what you shouldn’t be getting into. After this scene, the kids in the set told me that everyone was with a knot in the stomach.” “My stress when ‘Kala’ came out was what I would say to myself because I think I am the toughest judge of myself. I give him a 9 out of 10″, he concludes.